The ACL Tear: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Recovery

Jul 20, 2023 12:01 pm

Dear ,

As a parent of an athlete, you understand how vital it is to ensure your child is

as safe as possible while playing sports. One of the most common injuries associated with sports is an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tear. Every year, there are between 100,000 to 200,000 ACL injuries in the US, and the risk increases for athletes who don’t take the necessary precautionary steps to prevent such an injury. Did you know non-contact ACL tears are preventable?We have identified certain risk factors that put athletes at an increased risk for an ACL injury, and if there is an ACL tear, the athlete will miss the rest of the season. Full recovery is likely to take 9-12 months.

At Campus Motion, we provide comprehensive information, testing, and resources to assist you in taking the necessary steps to prevent an ACL injury via Kinetisense, our 3D Functional Performance and ACL Injury Risk technology.

Studies have proved that a greater than 10% power discrepancy between the right and left leg increases the individuals susceptibility of injury by 50%. We Identify the risk and areas of concern with confidence as the entire kinetic chain is captured in all three planes (3D). We are able to analyze the objective data as it detects these asymmetries, gain insight into the compensatory biomechanics of the athlete, then issue a corrective exercise plan targeting those asymmetries.

Should your athlete suffer an unfortunate ACL injury, we are here to facilitate a successful recovery and Return to Play. Take control of your child’s safety and help them reach their athletic goals by learning more about ACL injury risk factors & prevention today!

In Health,

Dr. Okon
