Happy MLK Day! Be Creative!

Jan 16, 2023 8:56 pm


A few weeks ago, I introduced you to my new newsletter which has now also become my new focus for my creative business. I love all things cooking, meal planning, and meal prep and I try my best to implement as many techniques, tips, and resources that I find into my daily meal planning life. And I feel the same about memory keeping. I love looking at old photos, new photos, organizing them, and I try my best to keep track of my daily activities so that I can look back on them to see what I was doing with my life. As I grow older, memory keeping has become more and more important. This is where you come in.

Meal Planning & Memory Keeping is all about sharing tips and resources on two things we all do, just about every day, meal planning, cooking, and eating, and making memories with our families and friends. The hope is that this will be a highly engaged newsletter, Facebook group, and blog, where we will be sharing meal planning, food photos and stories, as well as ways to make both meal planning and memory keeping and keeping track of our everyday memories easier in our lives.

You might remember the group, formally known as the "pop of color planner" group. I have since dismantled that group as well as my Etsy shop in order to focus on bringing you resources, freebies, and other interesting content focusing on meal planning and memory keeping. If you were already a member of that group, then you are just fine and have hopefully noticed the transition, however, if you were not a member of that group, please go ahead and join using this link here:

Join The Meal Planning and Memory Keeping Facebook Group

Blog Updates:

To check out the most recent posts to the Meal Planning and Memory Keeping Blog, just click the link here:

New Blog Updates


Happy Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Be Creative

A quote we don't often see from Dr. King, for me, speaks to the opportunity to both be creative in my writing, content, and teaching, while also having an impact on the lives of others, in order to make change in the world. This, for me, will be my life's work from this point forward. Celebrate and Be Creative.

Thank you in advance for your support

Sincerely, Ya Girl

Kellea Tibbs

Founder @blackgirlhappyplanner
