Instagram LogoFIKA FRIDAY// Each Friday, we will attempt to suggest intentions that will help you to Thrive & Besupervital. Fika is a Scandinavian philosophy that encourages finding inner peace and altering your attitude towards life in general. This week's emphasis is on the Japanese Philosophy of Kaizen, which means 'improvement' and can apply to anything in your life. Specifically, 1% continuous improvement at the frequency you set. It could be 1% per day, or week, or month to change for the better. ? We all have things that seem like too much of an undertaking even to begin. For example - starting a new or first exercise regimen, overhauling the food you eat, optimizing your diet with next-level adaptogens, and many others. But, if you start with just ONE thing today, what would that be? It typically takes 90 days of focus and intention to engrain new habits in your life. Those new habits are where the change happens. Change your thoughts, actions, and reactions; then, your life will be forever different. Commit to this 1% change each day/week for 90 days. Here is where you would want to focus your energy. Journaling and revising your progress periodically would benefit the whole process. Start small and make your increases gradual. Avoid getting impatient and start rushing forward, taking more significant leaps than sustainable (remember 1% per day). Take it slow, steady, and consistent. Try to do a little bit better than you did the day before. What one thing can you do today to Thrive & Besupervital? ✌️ today will be a better day! #besupervital #fikafriday
Instagram LogoFIKA FRIDAY// Each Friday, we will attempt to suggest intentions that will help you to Thrive & Besupervital. Fika is a Scandinavian philosophy that encourages finding inner peace and altering your attitude towards life in general. This week is focused on the breath. Breathwork can be a powerful tool to awaken and focus the mind while preparing the body for what is ahead. One of our favorite methods is the Wim Hoff Method of breathwork. It can be best described as brief periods of fast and heavy breathing (hyperventilation) followed by holding your breath and retaining that energy for as long as possible. What one thing can you do today to Thrive & Besupervital? Get down with the FIKA-NESS: BREATHE VERSION// ? Rise early, bonus points for before sunrise ? Get comfy ? Start by taking a deep breath in from your belly to the max lung capacity. Upon exhale, just let the air go and don't force it. ? Continue this cadence to a steady rhythm, keeping count until you hit about 30 breaths. After the last one, hold your breath for as long as you can. Time it using your phone. ⏰ It will be shocking how long you can do this. It's not uncommon to reach 2-3 minutes reasonably quickly. ? Repeat this cycle 3 times, paying attention to how long you can hold your breath after each sequence. ? Feel the Clarity, Vigor, Inspiration wash over you. ✌️ Today will be a better day! See our profile link for more on the Wim Hof Method. This post was created with inspiration from @iceman_hof #besupervital #fikafriday