Beta Readers for Hollowshine Defying Fate

Jun 03, 2024 1:41 pm


You're receiving this email because you signed up to beta read my urban fantasy book Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate. Below is a link where you can read and leave feedback on the book. I'm excited to say that it will be published in Fall 2024.

What do I expect from Beta Readers?

It's in the link, but I'll also leave it here. I am looking for feedback on the story pacing, overall thoughts, characters, and if you catch any editing errors like spelling or grammar. (Some slip through the cracks, it happens).

When do I need to finish my feedback?

In order to have the book out in Fall 2024, your feedback needs to be completed by JULY 31st. That gives you about two months to read Defying Fate, or finish getting caught up on the series and then read book 3.

What if someone I know wants to read the book as well?

Please have them contact me so we can work something out. It helps me keep track of where my book is going before it's available to the general public.

Do I need to review or rate the book when it comes out?

Generally beta readers do not leave reviews on books, so I am leaving this as optional. It is not a requirement, your support in making this book the best it can be is the best way to help.

What if I can't make the deadline?

If something comes up and you cannot finish the book, unfortunately I will not be able to extend the deadline. Do not feel pressured if this ends up being something you cannot complete. I'm all about having this process be as stress free as possible, for you and myself.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I hope I've answered as many questions as I could, but there could be something I missed. Once again thank you for your support in beta reading and I hope you enjoy Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate.

Happy Reading!

Mackenzie Friel

Hollowshine Book 3: Defying Fate
