Behind the Page Live Recording

Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit down with other local authors to discuss our writing and books. It was a great experience and I enjoyed getting to know some authors in my area more. For those who were not able to watch the live, the recording...

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Jul 07, 2023
Hollowshine Series Update

As a recap, Hollowshine is my urban fantasy series about the magical world coming to ours to save it from dark forces. Book 1 Finding Refuge and Book 2 Secrets and Lies are available to read. Due to circumstances out of my control, Book 3 will not be...

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Jun 30, 2023
Online Author Event

On July 6th I will have the opportunity to join a round table discussion with other local authors in my area to talk about our writing process and books. This online event is hosted by the Central Rappahannock Regional Library and is free to sit in o...

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Jun 30, 2023
Upcoming In Person Events

There are two major events coming up that I have the wonderful opportunity to participate in. Note both events are local to the Virginia area. CRRL Con This coming Saturday I will be one of the vendors at CRRL Con. I will have my books plus bookish m...

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May 18, 2023
FREE Short Story

Last year I participated in AutoCrit’s writing challenge. The challenge was to write a 2-5,000 word short story around the theme community. Winners would have their story be published in a collection. This collection was only available to the winners...

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Feb 08, 2023
My Interview with The Casual Author

I had a great opportunity this past week to sit down with Dan Kenner, fellow indie author and host of The Casual Author podcast. Together we discuss how I bring my stories to life in different ways and how I, and you, can stay motivated to write. I a...

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Jan 31, 2023
The Gorgona Project PREORDER

I’m excited to announce that the retired newsletter novella is coming to ebook April 2023! This blend of sci-fi and fantasy is filled with suspense. Join Iliana Preston as she works with a group of scientist to find a cure, or a weapon, to use agains...

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Jan 19, 2023
The Maiden of Caldara 2nd Anniversary

Can you believe it’s been two years since this epic fantasy came out? I’m still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. This story means a lot to me not only for being my second book ever published, but it’s the first fantasy story I complete...

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Jan 09, 2023
Friel Reads is now LIVE

My podcast Friel Reads is now live! Each week I’ll read a few chapters from one of my books. The introduction episode is already up where you can learn more about what the podcast will entail, plus you’ll learn which book I’m starting with. Episodes...

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Jan 07, 2023
Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and a very happy new year. This year is going to be busy for me as I work to finish and publish Hollowshine Book 3. I also plan on starting Book 4, the last book in this urban fantasy series. Another...

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Jan 02, 2023