GET READY FOR THE SPEAKERVERSE BY ATTENDING THE SYNCHRONICITY UNIVERSE FIRST!JOIN US TOMORROW , MAY 19th, 2022 FROM 7:00-9:00PM FOR THE APSS PRE-CONVENTION 2022!Click Here To Register!When building your speaking business have you attracted events and...
Thank you for registering for the APSS Convention 2022. As a BONUS, you get to be part of the Pre-Convention for FREE.Use the Coupon Code: preconvention35 to get your free ticket!Click Here To Register!GET READY FOR THE SPEAKERVERSE BY ATTENDING THE...
GET READY FOR THE SPEAKERVERSE BY ATTENDING THE SYNCHRONICITY UNIVERSE FIRST!JOIN US ON MAY 19th, 2022 FROM 7:00-9:00PM FOR THE APSS PRE-CONVENTION 2022!When building your speaking business have you attracted events and people that are just what you...
Do you have a book that you would like to promote or sell at the APSS convention, 2022?On the first day of the convention i.e 27th May, 2022 we can offer you a setup of a table and two chairs for a small fee of $100 and you could sell your books to t...
Dear ,This year's convention is unlike any other. It's not just virtual. It's not just in-person. It's the best of both worlds. 27 May will be an in-person event at One Farrer Hotel. Taking place in the big ballroom where world-class speake...
What can 30 seconds make possible in your life? How about the chance to win a free one-year membership? All you have to do is post the shared link to your social media feed and tag APSS and use the hashtag #shareandwinapsc2022 Each entry gi...
Dear , Your membership with APSS expired 1 week ago, but it is not too late! We don’t want to lose you as part of our speaker’s community. And we don’t want you to lose the opportunity to continue your professional and personal growth with...
Dear , Your membership with APSS expired 1 week ago, but it is not too late! We don’t want to lose you as part of our speaker’s community. And we don’t want you to lose the opportunity to continue your professional and personal growth with...
Last 12 hours for the S$300 Lucky Draw Promotion!! (April 30 to May 6)We are very excited to announce that most of the Speakers for this year's convention have confirmed, check them now! 🥳🥳
Dear , Thank you for your decision to be an APSS member! Without your loyalty and support, we would not be able to continuously provide our members with valuable benefits and actively develop our speaker community. Put simply, you make wha...