Dear ,We are now just a few hours away from the event of the year: APSC 2022: The SpeakerverseAnd we have got some great sponsors and great prizes for this year's convention. As an attendee of the 2022 APSS convention, you are entitled to specia...
Dear , Yay! We are just 2 days away from our Asia Professional Speakers' Convention 2022, are you ready to enter the SpeakerVerse?The speaker line-up for this year’s Convention is nothing short of impressive. Here is the line-up for Day1 an...
Dear , Yay! We are just 2 days away from our in-person Asia Professional Speakers' Convention 2022, are you ready to enter the SpeakerVerse?The speaker line-up for this year’s Convention is nothing short of impressive. Here is the line-up f...
Dear ,The Met-Gala Night is around the corner! We look forward to welcoming you to the SpeakerVerse Gala dinner filled with DJ, Music, Awards, Lucky Draws, Prizes, and a Standup Comedian!Happening this Friday, 27 May from 7.30 pm-10.30 pm. ...
Hi ,Thank you for registering for the APSC 2022 pre - Convention!To join the Pre- convention click on and join Phil and Maxine's room. (Register for free at Kumospace)We look forward to seeing you today from 7:00-9:00pm.Reg...
Hi , It’s almost time for the Pre – Convention 2022!Please find the necessary information below:Date: May 19, 2022Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm (Register for free at Kumospace and look for Phil and Maxine's room)Kumospac...
Dear ,This year's convention is unlike any other. It's not just virtual. It's not just in-person. It's the best of both worlds. 27 May will be an in-person event at One Farrer Hotel. Taking place in the big ballroom where world-class speake...
Dear ,This year's convention is unlike any other. It's not just virtual. It's not just in-person. It's the best of both worlds. 27 May will be an in-person event at One Farrer Hotel. Taking place in the big ballroom where world-class speake...
Dear ,This year's convention is unlike any other. It's not just virtual. It's not just in-person. It's the best of both worlds. 27 May will be an in-person event at One Farrer Hotel. Taking place in the big ballroom where world-class speake...
Thank you for registering for the APSS Convention 2022. As a BONUS, you get to be part of the Pre-Convention for FREE.Use the Coupon Code: preconvention35 to get your free ticket!Click Here To Register!GET READY FOR THE SPEAKERVERSE BY ATTENDING THE...