The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Dec 08, 2024 5:31 pm


Hello, my darlings,

Well, somehow it's already December. So much of this year seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. Or sometimes in my case, a haze of long covid fatigue and frustration. I didn't come close to accomplishing what I'd planned to this year, and I'm trying to give myself some grace over that and let it go. There's nothing I can do about it now, so I'll look ahead to next year and make plans and keep pushing ahead to get To Know a Dragon Spy into your hands as soon as possible.

I'm going to try to savor this holiday season (since time seems to be flying by!). Autumn is my favorite time of year, but I also love the lead up to Christmas. It can be busy and stressful, but I really do love the gift-wrapping and baking and decorating and the time with family. And the extra sparkle of the lights and decorations never fail to make me smile. As I told my best friend yesterday, a little sparkle is never a bad idea.

A quick note that all of my books will be 50% off in the big Smashwords End of Year sale, which begins December 12th and ends January 1st. I'll send a quick newsletter when it begins to remind you. All the usual newsletter things are below. I hope you all have a lovely holiday season, filled with joy and peace and love.


On the Blog

Rainbow Snippets November 9-10

Cozy Reads (Because We All Need Some)

Rainbow Snippets November 16-17

Rainbow Snippets November 23-24

Thanksgiving Romance Recs

Rainbow Snippets November 30-December 1

My November Reading

Books on Sale

The Dragon's Devotion is still $1.99 in ebook on Amazon.

All of my books will be 50% off in the Smashwords End of Year Sale beginning December 12th.

To Love the Dragon King


Once upon a time, before the hunts, dragons were plentiful in the world. Now they exist only in legend…except in the land of Ivria.

Available now!

Featured Backlist Book of the Month


I haven't written a Christmas book, but this one is my most appropriate for the holiday season—a bookish royal and a sweet merchant fall in love over books and baked goods as fall melts into the winter holidays. Just a warm hug in book form.

Find The Merchant's Love here!

Currently Reading


I've literally just started this book so I can't tell you much, but I found the premise very intriguing.

The Twice-Sold Soul

Monthly Book Rec


I've probably recommended this book before, but it's one of my favorites around this time of year (one of my annual rereads!). Just a delightful mix of witchiness, seasonal coziness, and so much pining.

Holly and Oak


Looking for some new books to read? Check out these collections:




LGBTQIA+ Romance

Until next time,

