Happy Pride! 🌈

Jun 08, 2024 11:30 am


Hello, my darlings!

It's June! We're somehow already into Pride Month and summer. I know it isn't truly summer quite yet, but the season feels like it's started with the weather in full summer mode here suddenly. I spent a little time last month on the South Carolina coast with family, and it is always so relaxing to just stroll along the beach or sit on the sand and let my mind wander, sand beneath my toes and breeze trying to snatch the wide-brimmed hat off my head. I've written a lot and gotten a lot of ideas walking on that beach over the years.

Unfortunately, I've had to pull out of the Boobs Between the Books event tonight. Long covid is incredibly frustrating, and this has not been a great week dealing with it. I hated to cancel, but I'm just not up for it. If you're in the area and planning to go, you should still check it out. It's going to be a great event with authors signing to benefit breast cancer charity Evolve Pink.

I do plan/hope to still be at the Passaic County Book Festival in Weasel Brook Park this morning. Likely only for a couple of hours, but I think I can manage it. It was a fun event last year with lots of local authors signing, panel discussions, readings, food, and activities. I'll have books to sell, and as always, I'm happy to sign any you bring with you. If you're in the Clifton, NJ area, come on by! It will run from 11am to 4pm, but I will probably only be there early in the day.

I'm still working on the next Dragons of Ivria book, To Know a Dragon Spy. Long covid exhaustion has also made writing more difficult over the last several months, and I've missed every deadline I've given myself on this book, which is frustrating in so many ways. I was hoping to have it in your hands this month, but that is sadly not going to happen. I hate disappointing you (and myself!) and will get it to you as soon as I possibly can.


An evening in South Carolina

On the Blog

Rainbow Snippets May 11-12 (sneak peak of To Know a Dragon Spy!)

Rainbow Snippets May 18-19

Rainbow Snippets May 25-26

Passaic County Book Festival 2024

Rainbow Snippets June 1-2

My May Reading

Boobs Between the Books

Books on Sale

The Dragon's Devotion is still $1.99 in ebook on Amazon. I have no idea when this will end, so grab it while it's cheap.

To Love the Dragon King


Once upon a time, before the hunts, dragons were plentiful in the world. Now they exist only in legend…except in the land of Ivria.

Available now!

Featured Backlist Book of the Month


When a sorcerer and a soldier are sent on a dangerous mission for the Crown, they don't expect to risk their hearts as well.

Find it here!

Currently Reading


I really enjoyed the first book in this fantasy romance series, and I'm loving this one so far too!

The Captive's Curse

Monthly Book Rec


A truly lovely retelling of Peter Pan with a trans Peter and an enemies-to-lovers romance between Peter and Hook.

Peter Darling


Looking for something to read for Pride Month and beyond? Check out these collections:




Shift into Pride

Until next time!

