Antonia's May Newsletter

May 08, 2024 11:30 am


Hello, my darlings!

This year continues to fly by, and somehow it's May already. I'm a little disturbed at how quickly time is passing (and how behind I feel with, well, everything), but I can't say I mind that spring seems to have truly settled in here. I'm enjoying the (finally) warming weather and blooming flowers on my walks. I always start to feel lighter and brighter myself this time of year. The perennials in my patio garden are sprouting again, and the neighborhood groundhog has been visiting recently. Soon, I'll plant a few more herbs in my planters and be able to sit outside and write more often.

Last month, I went to Rainbow Book Fair in NYC. The elevator wasn't working, which made logistics a little difficult, but I had a wonderful time meeting readers and talking books. I have a couple of upcoming events in New Jersey listed below. If you're in the area, I'd love to meet you! I should have copies of all of my books with me, though some more than others, and I'm happy to sign any you bring with you too. I'm not sure what the rest of the year will look like for in person events, but I'll let you know once I do. I also may do a sign and ship event a little later in the year, once To Know a Dragon Spy is out. More info on that as I have it.

I'm still working diligently on the next Dragons of Ivria book, which, if you missed it, is now definitely titled To Know a Dragon Spy. I absolutely adore the cover Natasha Snow created for it can't wait to see it on the book! I'll share it here soon, I promise (it really is killing me to keep it under wraps, but I have to for just a bit longer). Felix and Alan have decided to be a bit difficult, both to each other and to me, and the story has gone in some different directions than I expected. But I'm not really a planner, so it's not like I expect too much going in!


My table at Rainbow Book Fair


Passaic County Book Festival, Weasel Brook Park, Clifton, NJ, June 8th at 11 am (I'll only be there for a couple hours at the beginning because I have to get to...)

Boobs Between the Books: A Girl's Night Out Fundraiser to Support Evolve Pink, Flemington, NJ, June 8th at 5:30

On the Blog

Rainbow Snippets April 13-14

Rainbow Snippets April 20-21

Rainbow Snippets April 27-28

JeRoWriMo Reflections

Rainbow Snippets May 4-5

My April Reading

Books on Sale

The Dragon's Devotion is still $1.99 in ebook on Amazon. I have no idea when this will end, so grab it while it's cheap.

To Love the Dragon King


Once upon a time, before the hunts, dragons were plentiful in the world. Now they exist only in legend…except in the land of Ivria.

Available now!

Featured Backlist Book of the Month


Can he risk his heart on the man who broke it once before?

Find it here!

Currently Reading


I've enjoyed (and recced! books) from this series before, and this one is no different so far.

The Potion Gardener

Monthly Book Rec


I cannot adequately express just how good this book is!

Death in the Spires



Shift into Spring


MM Romance

Until next time!

