AI will lead to an explosion in art consumption

Feb 21, 2024 7:26 pm


Guess what?

A huge wave of art is coming our way, all thanks to AI!

Remember how the Gutenberg press made books available everywhere?

Well, AI is doing the same for art. And the best part? You don't have to be a genius to join in!

For the longest time, I thought art was out of my league. But then, AI changed everything. I started making pictures for my posts and got curious about different art styles.

Surprise, surprise - there are hundreds!

This AI magic is making us all art fans. The more we play with these styles, the more we want to learn.

It's like, first, we copy the art.

Then, we get curious and learn more about it.

And what comes next? We start making our own original pieces!

But there's more to it than just making pretty pictures. Art isn't just about what we see; it's about what goes into deciding to get it. With AI, we're stepping into some exciting times.

What do you think AI will change next? Writing, marketing, making choices?

Let's chat about the bright side of AI and all the cool things it's bringing into our lives.


Anoop Kurup

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