Digital Ads Lack Creativity

Dec 30, 2023 6:48 pm


I just heard something funny! A digital ad expert said, "I love digital ads," but then, he also said, "I use ad blockers."

Isn't that strange?

He loves ads but doesn't want to see them?

This got me thinking: Why do we not like seeing ads?

Ads Can Be Annoying... But Why?

We all love watching videos, reading stories, and exploring websites. But sometimes, ads pop up and stop us from enjoying these things. It's like trying to watch your favourite cartoon, and suddenly, someone changes the channel! That's reason number one why ads can be a bit of a bother.

Where is the Creativity!

The second reason is that many ads are... well, not very creative. They don't tell interesting stories or make us laugh or think. They're just there, taking up space. Imagine if your favourite book was just the same sentence over and over again. Boring.

How is this relevant?

The third reason is that sometimes ads show us things we don't care about. Like showing cat food ads to someone who has a dog. It just doesn't make sense!

Creativity is the Key!

But you know what? I think the biggest problem is that ads need more creativity. They need to be as fun and interesting as the stories and videos we love. Ads should understand what we like, tell us about cool things in a fun way, and maybe even make us smile.

A Little Extra Effort Goes a Long Way

Creating great ads isn't just about putting them everywhere. It's about knowing who we are making them for and what they like. It's about understanding the thing we're talking about (like a toy or a game) and how it's different from other things. And the most important part? We need to be super creative!

Let's not forget that making ads is a bit like making a mini-movie or a tiny book. It should be fun, interesting, and about things we care about. When we do this, people might even start liking ads as much as their favourite stories!

Remember, being creative isn't just about being different; it's about connecting, sharing, and bringing a little bit of joy into our world.

What about you? Are you struggling to be relevant online? This will help


Anoop Kurup

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