Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 2

Sep 30, 2023 1:51 pm


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Twenty thousand years ago, near a serene lake, a curious incident occurred. A mother and her child strolled by the water's edge. The child, following behind, vanished! Only to reappear a short distance away.

Now, before you think this is the beginning of a ghost story, it's not. Actually it is about the enduring consistency of human behaviour over millennia. The child didn't vanish; it grew tired of walking and pestered the mother to carry it. After a brief respite, it decided to set out on foot again.

This remarkable story unfolded at White Sands National Park in New Mexico, North America. We know this because we've stumbled upon fossilised footprints that tell the tale.

But what's the real point here?

The point is, we've got human behaviour down to a science. We understand that it's not only predictable but also, to a certain extent, manipulable. And the driving force behind all this behaviour? Emotions!

So, why do we often miss this point when it comes to lead generation?

We spend an eternity crafting the perfect customer persona. Learning to fine-tune every button on our platforms. And yet, we often overlook the emotional triggers that drive customers to choose us.

We neglect the study of the behaviours that lead to them saying, "Yes, I want your services!"

Now, let's get back to our newspaper ad from yesterday. Did you study your clients behaviour? Do you understand the emotions that the problem, you solve, triggers in the clients? And did you incorporate that behaviour and emotional trigger into your advertisement?

STOP wasting time on guesswork. Put human emotions at the centre of your lead generation efforts.

All purchases are emotional. Logic is a tool to justify the decision.

Go back to your ad. Now rewrite it to trigger an emotion. And provide enough points to help the client justify the decision later.

It's never about you. It's about the problem the client is facing.

Let's help our clients find the path to choosing us.


Anoop Kurup
