21 year old life coach

Dec 28, 2023 5:50 pm


Today, we're talking about something that might make you giggle a bit.

Imagine a life coach who's only 21 years old.

Sounds funny, right?

But why do we laugh?

Well, it's because we think that at 21, you just haven't lived enough life to teach others about it.

It's like being a cook without ever actually cooking a meal.

Sure, you might know the recipes, but until you've actually made the dishes a few times, it's hard to teach others.

In the world of marketing, we often see young people, as young as 18, calling themselves "Digital Marketing Experts."

Now, it's true that young folks often know a lot about technology, which is great! But remember, knowing how to use a phone or computer doesn't automatically make you great at marketing.

Marketing is about understanding people, what they like, and how to talk to them. It's about knowing what makes people excited about something.

And that kind of understanding usually comes from experience – from real-world learning, not just from books or the internet.

When we forget the 'marketing' part of 'digital marketing,' it's like trying to ride a bike with only one wheel. You might have a shiny new wheel (that's the digital part), but without the other wheel (the marketing part), you're not going to get very far.

So, the next time you hear about a very young expert in something like life coaching or marketing, it's okay to ask, "Do they have the experience to back up their title?"

Do you have the experience to back up your title?

Are you showcasing your experience and expertise? No!!

This will help.

Remember, in our world, experience and expertise are the secret ingredients that make you unique.

And showcasing it makes you an expert.

Stay curious, keep learning, and don't forget to blend the new with the tried-and-true.


Anoop Kurup

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