Thinking about lead generation - Part 1

Sep 29, 2023 9:10 pm


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Too much of a good thing can sometimes lead to a not-so-good thing. In our case, that "good thing" is knowledge. We're experts in our niches. But sometimes due to our expertise, we get caught in a web of analysis paralysis.

I have seen agencies unable to generate leads for themselves. Too much knowledge leading to too many choices, leading to overthinking.

Here is a thinking tool that will help you get out of your own head. Imagine, digital tools don't exist, no databases, no social media, and no emails. And the only way to get leads? Your lead generation ad right smack in the newspaper.

No images, plain text.

Now, before you scratch your heads, think about this for a second. You have got a blank canvas to paint a vivid picture for your potential customers. This is the purest form of thinking about campaigns and lead generation.

Think Client-Centric.

Instead of jumping straight into your agency's awesomeness, focus on your customer. Who are they? What keeps them up at night? What's the burning problem you're here to solve?

Imagine you are having a cup of tea with them and getting to know them.

Build Excitement for the client

Your ad needs to excite your customer so much that they'll leap out of their seats! What's the solution you're offering? Is it a game-changer? A lifesaver? Make it crystal clear in your ad. Use words that resonate with their pain points and desires. (Use words they use.)

Are you done thinking?

Lets crank up the difficulty a little.

The call to action is, "write a letter to get this wonderful solution".

Now think again about your ad.

The promises, the credibility builders, the words and phrase, and the problems you solve. What will make the client write a letter to you? Start asking questions about your customer and their problems. Go beyond surface-level stuff. Dig deep. What makes them tick? What are their fears and dreams? The more you know, the better your ad will connect.

But wait, there's more!

Understand what is missing. Review your ad. What is missing? Where will the reader stop reading, or feel bored? Or worse, stop believing your claims?

Challenge your assumptions.

Can't find the answers? It's time to meet a few potential clients and have a discussion with them.

Remember, lead generation doesn't have to be rocket science.

Sometimes, simplicity is the key. Use the above framework to get out of your own way.

Part 2, tomorrow.


Anoop Kurup
