Wisdom may catch up

Dec 02, 2023 5:49 pm


"Anoop, you are smart and very fast. Faster than wisdom that has been chasing you for a long time." - My Mother.

I turned 40 yesterday.

I am slowing down.

Wisdom may finally catch up.

A few changes are inevitable.

For example, this newsletter will be published twice a week.

I will publish a lot more of my writing on Medium and anoopkurup.com/

A lot of learnings and experiments will be shared through workshops that I am planning. (The first in the series is "Win Linkedin with AI". You can register here."

Expect a lot more stuff on Linkedin, Podcast, YouTube, and my website.

The Client Magnet website is the place for AI SEO experiment, starting next week.

Good thing about getting older: you can make newer mistakes.

Here is to experiments without a care in the world.


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
