Why Are Agencies Hesitant to Use AI?

Jan 09, 2024 8:01 pm


Have you ever wondered why so many businesses, especially in India, are slow to use AI for marketing?

A study by the Capgemini Research Institute revealed something interesting: less than 35% of businesses in India use AI for their marketing.

The survey interviewed 1800 executives with marketing responsibilities.

So, why is this happening? Let's dive into some reasons.

  1. Sticking to What They Know Many marketing agencies are still focused on buying and placing ads. It's like they're more into selling space in newspapers and on websites than actually doing marketing stuff. They haven't really jumped into the digital world yet, and AI seems like a big, new step.
  2. Old Habits Die Hard Some older agencies are taking their time to get comfy with digital tools. They might start looking at AI in like 3 to 5 years. That’s a long time!
  3. Loving Their Current Tools Digital marketing agencies are mostly tool specialists, be it Ad tools or Photoshop. They're pretty good at it too! So, when they see AI, they think, "Nah, what we do is better." They don't see how AI can be as good as their current skills.
  4. AI is Just a Tool, Not a Magician Right now, AI is like a bunch of tools in a toolbox. You need skills and ideas to use them properly. People are looking for something that's easy and fits right into their daily work. They don’t want to have to learn a whole new way of doing things.
  5. AI Can Be Pricey The current AI SaaS, especially the ones that are really good, can cost quite a bit. For companies in India, this can be a big deal. They have to think about the cost and whether it's worth it.
  6. Fear of the Unknown AI is still new and a bit mysterious. Agencies might be worried about trying something they don't fully understand. Can you risk a client project with new tools?
  7. Concerns About Quality Some agencies might worry that AI can't match the quality of human creativity. They might think that AI can't come up with ideas that are as good as what a person can think of.
  8. Training and Learning Curve Learning how to use AI can take time and effort. Agencies might not have the time or resources to train their teams on these new technologies.
  9. Uncertainty About Results Agencies want to make sure their strategies work. With AI being so new, they might be unsure about whether it can deliver the results they need.
  10. Data Privacy Concerns Using AI often involves handling a lot of data. Agencies might be worried about keeping this data safe and respecting privacy laws.

These are my thoughts. Do you agree or disagree?

Keep up with the times. Otherwise, the waves of change will sweep you off your feet.

("Win Linkedin with AI" workshop is happening on 17-18 January, 7-9 pm. There are limited seats, and price will increase on 11th. Register and reserve your seat today.)


Anoop Kurup

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