Who wants a better chat bot?

Hi there, My summer break is almost there! Before I leave, I'll travel to South Africa to speak at the HR + L&D Innovation & Tech Fest about how we can keep work uniquely human and about future-proofing payroll! Will I see you there?I'll be t...

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Jul 24, 2024
How agile is your workforce?

Hello again!Before I jump into today’s topic, a quick reminder that there are only two pay cycles left until the EU directive kicks in! If you speak Dutch, we’ll discuss practical steps towards pay transparency during this webinar with Salure on June...

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Jun 19, 2024
Unleashing insights!

Hi, I hope your day is going well! I just returned from Unleash, and in this newsletter I will share my observations. It was such a fun event! Hope you were able to join, and if you weren't, put it on your list for next year! Or meet me at Unleash Wo...

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May 15, 2024
Most work is new work!

Hey,it's been a while! And it's not you, it's me! I had a book to publish (Dutch translation of Equal Pay for Equal Work), a couple of keynotes to prepare, and as you receive this I am en route to FAIR Barcelona. In two weeks I am a panelist at HR Te...

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Apr 16, 2024