Enum.each(BlackFriday) |> Task.start()
Nov 26, 2020 11:53 pm
This is a special time of the year to give back to the Elixir community. You have so wonderful and supportive of Alchemist Camp and I'm happy to share Black Friday discounts for all of my products!
Some gratitude
But first, I want to take a moment to reflect and give thanks for for a few things I'm grateful for. It's been a wild year for me, as I'm sure it has been for a lot of you but I was fortunate when I most needed it. It could have been so, so much worse of a year, but it's turned out okay!
I avoided catastrophe... twice
Early this year, I had serious immigration concerns and nearly had to leave Taiwan with nowhere else to live, in the middle of a pandemic. Despite having lived here most my adult life, I'm not a permanent resident and things were a bit precarious.
Fortunately I was sponsored for a new entrepreneur visa category and with some hustle was able to stay. Then, my banking services were cut off due a 3rd party's mistake. That was a long and extended and Kafkaesque ordeal and there literally were some days I couldn't eat.
But everything got resolved! And none of it derailed any of my contracting work, my work on Alchemist Camp or my health. To be honest, I've felt exceptionally fortunate this year.
Other great stuff
This time last year, I was an avid listener of Justin Vincent's podcast, Techzing. Now I'm his podcast on a new show, Reactor!
This time a decade ago, I'd made a few very simple flash games and was reading Chris Pine's Learn to Program and trying to get my first technical job at a startup in Beijing. This week, he generously offered advice and encouragement for me after learning about my work on 5 Little Potions.
Okay, the bargains!
This year is a bit more complex since I have three offerings, so I'll just make a section for each.
Alchemist Camp screencasts - Save $60!
This is the same offer I made last year, except that it includes another year of lessons. Starting now and ending in on Monday, you can get a $210 annual membership to Alchemist Camp for just $150.
The primary benefits are access to premium content and access to the source code for any episode. One less well-known benefit is that every single time I release a new product, Alchemist Camp members get it at a steep discount or for free.
If you're interested in all of this for the equivalent of about 1 nice coffee per week, then login to Alchemist Camp, click https://alchemist.camp/subscribe/level-up and get access to my new series on Absinthe GraphQL!
(Current annual subscribers can also get this discount. Just send me an email! I'll manually extend your billing cycle by a year.)
Phoenix Igniter starter kit - Save $30!
Phoenix Igniter's price is just $60 until Monday. After that it will go up to $90. I'll also do a free 15 minute Zoom chat with any customer who wants to talk about their next project they'd use it for. Igniter currently includes:
- Sessions
- Basic authentication
- Oauth integration
- Plugs to restrict routes
By Monday, I expect to have the following added
- Tailwind 2.0
- One-click deploys to Render
Make sure you're logged into Gitlab, and then sign up at https://phoenixigniter.com
5 Little Potions - %50 off!
This is my newest project—a short ebook aimed at beginning learners that teaches Elixir through building five small games of increasing complexity. The response to its launch on Twitter was overwhelming and it's been a hit so far. It's just $7.50 until Monday.
Get the screencasts! (Save $60)
Get the starter kit! (Save $30)
Get the games ebook! (Save $7.50)