2020 was my second full year running Alchemist Camp as a screencasting business, and it enjoyed some growth. Looking at my dashboards, it's fallen short of the [goals I set l ...
Realizing I'm not on track to hit my goals, I've been doing more experiments recently, and one has gotten some momentum. It's a very small product compared to what I have already released. My prim ...
I create an educational product and students occasionally ask for discounts. So-called "educational" discounts are very popular, but I don't give them. To be honest, I don't like them at all, but the ...
Over the years, I've worked on building search traffic for two kinds of sites. The first, was working for companies that already had hundreds of thousands or millions of monthly users and were trying ...
On Indie Hackers, I often people writing about their concerns of their site being able to handle the sudden burst of traffic, they're hoping to get from a [Product Hunt](ht ...
I do hear sometimes from programmers who are kind of sad that they don't have the opportunity to write game engines from scratch like I did and have it matter or make an impact... > > -John Carmack ...
It's not unusual to see people on entreprenurial subreddits or message boards make a claim along the lines of, "Your tech (software) choices don't matter. It's all about the sales and marketing." Many ...
The email list is the lifeblood of marketing efforts for many, many online businesses. For mine, it is no different. Using email considerably increases both the engagement of my audience and the numbe ...
2019 was my first full year running Alchemist Camp as a business, and it enjoyed some impressive growth. Looking back at my spreadsheets, it's been about a six-and-a-half fol ...