Types of Editing

Types of Editing There are several different levels or types of editing involved in taking a manuscript from first draft to finished book. Just like a medical professional has a scope of practice, an editor has a specific set of skills within each de...

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Jan 01, 2024
Should You Build an Author Platform?

What does the industry say? In the publishing world these days, marketing is a shared responsibility between the writer and the publisher. While there’s still a perception that getting a publishing deal means all the marketing is done by the publishi...

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Dec 01, 2023
How to Plot a Novel: Plotting Methods Overview

If you’re beginning to plot a novel, it can be overwhelming to choose which method to use. Do you want to start with a loose structure (something like the Three Act Structure with a beginning, middle, and end) or a more complex structure (like Save t...

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Nov 01, 2023
What is an In-Person Writing Conference Like?

With all the strangeness of the past few years, August 2023 was my first opportunity to attend an in-person writing conference: When Words Collide. Before I went, I found myself wishing I knew what to expect. How did I choose which presentations and...

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Sep 01, 2023
What is a Zero Draft and Why Should You Write One?

Call it writer’s block, procrastination, decision paralysis, whatever you’d like, but there’s nothing like indecision to send my writing to a grinding halt. So what’s the solution? A zero draft. The Zero Draft goes by many names and just about as man...

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Aug 01, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Types of Keyboards

Have you ever stared at a selection of keyboards and wondered which one would be best for writing? Unless you’re one of those solely pen-and-paper writers, we writer-folk tend to spend a fair amount of time with our computer keyboards. When selecting...

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Jul 01, 2023
Brain.fm: Does It Really Work?

Brain.fm: Does it Really Work? One thing I’ve been using when I write is Brain.fm. It’s music without lyrics designed to help increase focus, relaxation, or sleep (depending on which tracks you choose to listen to). I first heard about brain.fm from...

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Jun 01, 2023
What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why? If writing can be so difficult, why bother? Some writers seem to breeze through drafts while others struggle through. I’m the latter type. I parse out words, agonize over plot, and plumb the depths of my character’s motivations. Writ...

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May 01, 2023
What is Show Don’t Tell? 

What is Show Don’t Tell? Ah, yes, the most overused piece of writing advice out there. But what does “Show Don’t Tell” actually mean? And how can you use this to strengthen your writing?   Generally, “telling” is exposition where the reader is told w...

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Apr 01, 2023
Where in The Universe Are We?

Can You Still See The Stars? As a science fiction writer and an avid stargazer, I love seeing the stars. They remind me of where in the universe we are. A recent article by CBC proposed that, due to light pollution, “most Canadians are about as likel...

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Mar 01, 2023