Dear Afrocentric Queen, Let me start by wishing you a "Happy New Year". I pray that in 2023, you will focus on being still and taking care of yourself more - deeper self-care *smiles* This year, we are bringing back our annual networking event, the 3...
Dear Afrocentric Queen ,Let me start by wishing you a "Happy New Year". I pray that in 2023, you will focus on being still and taking care of yourself more - deeper self-care *smiles* This year, we are bringing back our annual networking event,...
Kedu, ?Focus on being productive, not being busy. I saw this comment online a few days ago and shared it on my WhatsApp story.The comment resonated with many people, so I thought to share it with you.In 2023, please focus on your 𝗙𝗢𝗖𝗨𝗦, . We get so w...
Kedu, ?Focus on being productive, not being busy. I saw this comment online a few days ago and shared it on my WhatsApp story.The comment resonated with many people, so I thought to share it with you.In 2023, please focus on your 𝗙𝗢𝗖𝗨𝗦, . We get so w...
Happy New Year, ! Welcome to 2023!!! *throws balloons in the air* I hope you enjoyed (or still enjoying) the holidays, and that you are preparing (or prepared) to kick off work/projects/life for this year *fist pump*So last year, I decided that...
Ya ya dai, ?This will be my last e-mail to you till next year.I know I wasn't as consistent as I wanted to be with sending e-mails to you this year.2022 stretched me walahi - physically, mentally, and all round *laughs hysterically* In all, I learnt...
Kedu ?Happy December and I think I can start saying 'Compliments of the Season' *grins*Like play, 2023 is around the corner., have you started reflecting on how this year has been for you - both positively and negatively?Let me share some of mine wit...
Ba wo ni, ?Happy November! Can't believe we have just one more month before 2023 shows up! *shocked look*Wow...time sure flies, o!I have an invitation for you, .There is a project that I am executing next week Tuesday 8th November.And your dear Ajala...
Kedu, ?It's been a minute *smiles*Had to take some time off sending out my regular newsletters to focus on some backend projects.And also to re-think my future as an entrepreneur...As I have been doing a lot of reflecting in the past weeks.Last week...
Ya ya dai, ?A heartfelt coffeelicious thank you to you and everyone that sent me birthday wishes, I genuinely appreciate *claps hands in prayer*Last week Saturday, my Happy Coffee fam-bam hosted my 2-in-1 celebration...My Coffeelicious Birthday and C...