Gloria Interrupts Proceedings

Nov 24, 2022 2:01 pm


We welcomed a new member of the family this weekend.

Meet Gloria!


Gloria's appearance a month ahead of schedule has meant little time at computers, so this week's email will be very short.

Ebook update

The ebook of Marek's diaries & illustrations from his visit to Warsaw in 1946 is now available on the following platforms:

- Amazon US

- Amazon UK

- (maybe all the Amazons in fact, eg. Australia here & here's Japan)

- Apple Books / iTunes

- Barnes & Noble

- Scribd

- Bookmate

- 24Symbols

- Overdrive

- Storytel

- Bibliotheca

(The blue ones are clickable, while the unclickable plain ones are apps that require you to be inside their app to find anything).

I wonder if Gloria will read her grandfather's writing one day? By the time she's reading age, ebooks will probably be downloaded directly into our brains anyway.

That's all I have. Many thanks for reading. I'm going back to staring at a tiny baby and feeling that classic mix of joy and panic they induce.


Adam Zulawski / / More stuff

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