Goodbye Kindle Unlimited for Now

Aug 06, 2024 1:50 pm


Goodbye Kindle Unlimited for Now

Before we start, check out this sale of Sci Fi and Fantasy books. Also, because you all are awesome, and I'd like more people to know about what I do: a $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway.

For those of you who are on Kindle Unlimited, I’m going to pull all my books out of it and publish them to a wider platform (ie all of them). I promise to let you know when they will leave so you have a chance to download them before they go. The beauty of downloading them before they go is that you can read them whenever you want past the date of their departure, just don’t delete them till you are done reading them.

For me, the switch is pretty easy to quantify. For the past year, I’ve had half my books in KU and the other half in wide distribution. More people have purchased the books on both Amazon and the other platforms, then have purchased/read them through KU. The benefit for you as a reader is once I leave KU, I can do more sales, offer books for free more often, and generally have more control over the pricing of my book.

You can change the pricing of your book in Amazon, offer it for free, etc. but they don’t make it easy, I could go into details but I don’t imagine it will be of much interest, so suffice to say, as my books leave KU, I’ll let you know the day it will happen. For those waiting for them to appear on other platforms, they will appear on the other stores shortly after they disappear from KU.

I’m also going to unpublish a slew of short stories that I have on Amazon. They are all located in various book collections so they won’t disappear. I’ll let you know as they leave in case you are a collector and want to have them all. The only difference between the short stories and the ones on the collection is I may have written a few author comments on the story.

Here is the first round of things leaving KU and when it’s going to happen:

Kal’s Fate


Leaving KU 8/31/24.

An innocent girl with a mysterious father finds herself a fugitive on the galaxy’s most wanted list.

Considered too fragile, Kal is forbidden to join the raising of the Et’Tal’s home and feels as if she has shamed her family. Her lithe stature links her to her absent father. He left the village to fight in the Teristaque Wars and never returned.

She meets Sarge, a strange star species called Human, who seems to know the secret of the patch from her father’s uniform. Before she can get clarity, a fierce Teristaque death squad descends on her village, murders everyone in it, and takes Kal prisoner.

Kal wants more than just answers. She wants revenge.

Kal’s Quandary


Leaving KU 12/1/24.

The number one space pirate in the galaxy discovers she is the only one who can save it from utter decimation.

After stealing the most advanced Teristaque ship, Kal and her crew are pursued by an armada across the galaxy. Despite burning through space in the fastest vessel in the quadrant, there are too many factions after her to avoid them all.

Another spacecraft gets the drop on her. It’s Makiuarnek, the man who slaughtered her village, and he wants a truce.

There is evil brewing on her homeworld of Nigramoto, and the petty squabbles of the interstellar regimes are about to become inconsequential, and Kal is at the heart of it all.

She will either save all life in the galaxy or destroy it.

Othello and Zombies


Leaving KU 9/6/24.

I ate thy brains ere I killed thee…

Shakespeare’s classic tale of hubris, paranoia, and betrayal is reimagined against the darkly comedic backdrop of the post-apocalypse…

…And zombies.

The Teristaque Chronicles Short Story Collection


Leaving KU at varied times. I’m not going to announce when these are leaving individually since you can read each one in Kal’s Fate and Kal’s Quandary. I first started Kal’s story as a couple of short stories, then it grew to a universe, then an entire trilogy, and I even thought of a few things I can do post events of the main story arc, and left a little opening for myself to write more.

My plan when they leave Kindle Unlimited is to put their cover art in Kal’s Fate and Kal’s Quandary ebook versions. Maybe one day if I can afford it, I’ll republish the paperback and hardback too with the alternate art inside as well. All the covers are stock images that I bought and slapped words on it. I’m really not that good at design, but I can pick a cool image.

I’ll also give away them for free as I remove them from KU so you don’t have to use a KU download to get them. Also, I'm going to stagger the free days because I've always been curious if that helps series book sales and juices that amazon algorithm. I usually only ever give away the first in series for free, so we'll see what happens when all of them are free at one point or another.

Free Days:

Part I: Kal's Fall: Permafree

Part II: Kal's Truth: 8/6/24-8/10/24

Part III: Hayden's Mistake: 8/11/24-8/15/24

Part IV: Kal's Revenge: 8/16/24-8/20/24

Part V: Makiuarnek’s Ascension: 8/21/24-8/25/24

Part VI: Grannork's Burden: 9/1/24-9/5/24

Part VII: Hayden’s Dilemma: 9/6/24-9/10/24

Part VIII: Sarge's Secret: 9/11/24-9/15/24

Part IX: Kal's Father: 9/16/24-9/20/24

Customer Service Scientist


Leaving KU 9/1/24. This is a short story that’s included in my first ever short story collection Cowboys and Drones. Don’t get too excited. I really screwed up with the title because while the collection does have cowboys and drones, they don’t appear in the same story. However, since I was the first to think of the name maybe I’ll write a proper Cowboy and Drone story one day.

Either way, this is the second part of a four-part story from the collection about time travel and cowboys and if you want it, it will be free until Friday.

Cowboys and Drones

Cowboys and Drones

Cowboys and Drones

Leaving KU 9/21/24. This is the short story collection that started it all. Back when I fancied myself a screen writer, but didn’t have any luck selling screenplays, I wrote a novel called Time Agency. I submitted the unpublished novel to publishers, and one of the big ones put it on their “to take a closer look” list. Since I had nothing better to do while I was waiting for their answer, I challenged myself to write and publish one short story every month for a year.

This collection is the fruits of my labor during the challenge. To be honest, it’s okay. It’s never been edited by a professional, and I am profoundly bad at spelling and grammar. So, I thank my lucky stars that my books sell well enough to support hiring an editor. Scott, if you’re reading this thank you. I’m also pretty sure I lost the manuscript and all the stories in it after several moves and several computers later. But it’s still there if you enjoy my writing enough to see where it began. While Time Agency was the first book I ever wrote, this was my first toe in the water of self-publishing.

I also got very lucky with my cover art for this one. Rudy Lovato, a local New Mexican artist, taught with me at a 2-year college. I mentioned my story project, and they wanted to do the cover art. So, the cover art is actually Rudy’s depiction of two characters in the 4-part time travel story. I’d share their website if I knew what it was. There’s a lot of Rudy Lovatos in Albuquerque, but if you’re reading this, drop me a line with what you’re currently working on, and I’ll share it.

Book Swaps

The following authors told their readers about my books, so I am telling you about theirs. Click on the links and show them some love.


A budding sorcerer, an ex-cat, and a fake duke take on a series of murderous, ghostly attacks on a retired ocean liner--what could possibly go wrong?

Get Sorcerers, Spirits, and Ships here.


As torn petals of a rose fall, a hero must rise in a race against destiny.

Get Wedding of the Torn Rose.


On a world where ancient magic and technology exist, the skeletons of the past never stay buried for long. Melinda Scott should know. She just found a big one.

Get Where Weavers Daire.


Gna' is sent to the Underworld to negotiate the release of Frigga's son, Baldur. Gna' must fight a sorceress, fend off an attack from hellhounds, solve riddles, and face Hela's army of undead in her attempt to secure Baldur's freedom.

Get Clash of the Goddesses Here.

Want to see your book here? Hit me up on Story Origin.
