Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card - Today Only

Mar 09, 2024 2:05 pm

Orcs in Portland

$25 Gift Card to Amazon

I wanted to break from the weekly scheduled humor to tell you that I’m giving away another $25 gift card to Amazon. I learned from my mistake last time and kept the contest open for way too long allowing bots to take control.

I’m doing this contest on 3/9 in a partnership with 25 or so other authors who are also giving away prizes all through this Facebook Group. If you want to join the fun proceed to the Facebook group. If you just want to enter mine. Here’s the contest link. Also, you get bonus entries if you send it to other people. So, tell your friends. But the contest closes 3/10/24 at 10 am mountain time, so get in while you can.

Also, my friend, Phillip Carter, is also organizing a book giveaway. So, you won’t want to miss that.

And, finally, four of my book series, including Misfits of Carnt, are on sale for 99 cents this week! Every book in the series only a buck!

Time Burrito (Wacky Dr. Whovian Time Travel Adventure)

Tuners (YA Multiverse Hopper about teens charged with protecting the multiverse)

Atmospheric Pressure (Dark Dystopian future where the air is unbreathable and people live in airtight cities)

Also, I did a Livestream about the Barbarian Audiobook.

    My Three-Year-Old is a Barbarian and Other Parenting Problems

    Necromantic rituals, murderous ogres, battle-scarred rangers: not a typical Saturday detention for unsuspecting teaching assistant, Petra, and her delinquent teen charges.

    The Beaverton High School Breakfast Club show up for what they thought would be cleaning the locker room with a toothbrush when the morning goes horribly wrong, and they fall victim to a deadly, dark spell.

    Some jerkwad moon mage shoves the consciousness of Petra’s three-year-old into the body of a musclebound barbarian, and she is transformed into a halfling. The kids get stuck as a cleric, fire mage, and other stalwarts of your typical fantasy gaming party.

    Now they must quest through a land of pissed-off warriors, angry giants, a pompous vampire, and a necromancer out to kill Petra and her child.

    Despite being in a world where everything threatens to unalive her, the hardest part is convincing a hulked-out man that the battle axe is not a toy, the undead are not cuddly, and he should use the potty.


    Being too close to the truth got Jon Xiong's mother killed.

    While searching for answers, a murderous cult shows up at his door.

    A secretive organization called the Tuners comes to his aide and teaches him about his rare ability to travel between worlds called tuning.

    He grapples with his new superpower and is stuck between those who would maintain order in the multiverse and those who would destroy it.

    Jon must avoid the same gruesome fate as his mom and figure out what happened to his family.
