🤸‍♂️ The Hidden Cost of Poor Sleep

Mar 03, 2025 1:01 pm


Did you know poor sleep affects more than your energy?

The Numbers Are Shocking:

• 76% of UK adults have disrupted sleep patterns

• 89% show hormonal imbalances after just 3 bad nights

• 65% have elevated inflammation markers

Your Blood Work Reveals:

✓ Cortisol rhythm disruption

✓ Insulin resistance patterns

✓ Inflammation markers

✓ Thyroid function changes

✓ Hormone imbalances

Some ways to simply improve sleep can be the 3,2,1 method

  1. Last big meal 3 hours prior bed
  2. Last fluid intake 2 hours prior to bed
  3. The hardest one, no screen time phone/laptop/T.V 1 hour prior to bed

A sleep routine matters, yet so many I speak with don't have 1, and wonder why their sleep is trash

Try these 3 simple tips and let me know how you get on

To optimal health


Zenith Health Coaching
