35% Off Mains UberEats x Earth Day 🌎 🥙

Apr 22, 2022 7:11 am



Here at What The Pitta we are always consciously making little changes or decisions that will reduce our impact on this amazing planet and show respect to Mother Nature. 


However, Earth Day is a day specifically to celebrate these efforts from countries all over the world trying to make a change.


Caring for the environment is at the core of our business, so we thought we’d use Earth Day to shout about what we’re currently doing alongside a tasty 35% off main on UberEats today so you can enjoy Award Winning Kebabs that are made with the planet in mind!

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Here are some ways What The Pitta is supporting our planet:

We use sustainable packaging 

Over the years we have been reducing our plastic use as much as possible, replacing single-use with more Earth-friendly materials such as bagasse boxes made from sugarcane pulp, our forks are made from wood and our branded bags made from easily recyclable paper.

We train staff on energy efficiency

We try to encourage lights being switched off when not in use, extra equipment off during quiet times and water to be used efficiently with minimal waste.

We reuse our cooking oil for biofuel

We make sure that our used cooking oil doesn’t go to waste, that’s why we use companies with glowing sustainability practices that recycle waste oil and turn it into biofuel to be used again.

We offer BYO discount for customers

Sustainable packaging is great, but NO packaging is even better! Our lovely customers get 10% off their order if they bring their own tupperware.

We use environmentally friendly suppliers

We like to shop around! We’re always searching for the best eco-friendly energy companies, water suppliers and businesses to work with.

We’re transparent about our emissions

Klimato is a company we use that helps restaurants reduce their climate impact from food by calculating carbon emissions for each dish and having it on display for customers to make climate-friendly choices.


We work with sustainable companies that do cool things

Two of our favorites are Toast who are combating food waste by using surplus bread to make delicious beer, and Fauna who donate profits to wildlife conservation charities.

We avoid food waste

We are serious when it comes to food waste. Our teams are trained to know how to minimise waste and use only what is needed; our prep precision game is strong!

We’re 100% vegan!

Eating a plant-based diet is said to be the number one way to help the planet by greatly reducing energy expenditure, reducing emissions and of course not causing harm to other living beings.

So, in support of choosing a vegan, earth-friendly meal we’re giving 35% off mains on UberEats all day and of course you can enjoy 10% off in store if you go packaging free!

Happy Earth Day! 

Cem & Roj

