The Unexpected Power of Sharing Our Stories

Hello , my fellow pioneer!Last week, I dared myself to be brave and shared a deeply personal story in my email and on LinkedIn - about a time I hid under a desk, feeling like a complete failure. I was uncomfortable sending it and wary of how people w...

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Sep 19, 2024
My inner diva came out and it felt fabulous!

Hello fellow pioneers!Have you ever had an overwhelming feeling to do something? It takes over your body and your mind. You visualise it, you walk through how it could work, get excited about it, only to talk yourself out of making it a reality? ...

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Sep 06, 2024
The day I hid under a desk

Hello fellow pioneers!I'm just off for my birthday party weekend, but wanted to share this story with you I recalled the other day. It was the day I hid under a desk...The shame inside was palpable. I felt miserable, and very small. I was so embarras...

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Aug 30, 2024