The Unexpected Power of Sharing Our Stories

Sep 19, 2024 8:00 am

Hello , my fellow pioneer!

Last week, I dared myself to be brave and shared a deeply personal story in my email and on LinkedIn - about a time I hid under a desk, feeling like a complete failure. I was uncomfortable sending it and wary of how people would react. But I scrunched up my eyes and hit send anyway.

What happened next was quite lovely.

I had several replies and comments about how the story resonated with them. People I hadn't spoken to in years reached out. The common thread? "I know exactly what you're talking about, I've been there."

In fact, one former colleague wrote, "We've all been there and with your help I have always survived."

One client commented that she had quoted this story to some her team.

These responses taught me something profound: our deepest wounds, when shared, can become our greatest strengths. They have the power to heal not just ourselves, but others too.

In a world that often equates vulnerability with weakness, these responses tell a different story. They show that vulnerability is not just acceptable - it can be powerful. And what comes from that vulnerability can inspire your own innovation, authentic leadership, and genuine human connection.

What's the story you've been afraid to share but that could benefit others on their leadership journey?

I invite you to take that brave step. Reply to this email with your story, or if you prefer, let's set up a time to talk. Remember, your vulnerability might be the lifeline someone else needs.

Together, let's create a professional world where authenticity is celebrated, where our shared humanity is seen as a strength, not a weakness.

Are you ready to be brave?

All the best, as ever,



P.S. If you missed the original story and would like to read it, just reply to this email and I'll send it your way. Sometimes, knowing we're not alone in our struggles can make all the difference.
