Brave Reflections: Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective...
Nov 04, 2024 12:31 pm
Hello , my fellow pioneer
I wanted to share a lovely insight from one of The Brave Collective last week that might resonate with you.
After a recent coaching session, she had what she called her "big win of the week" - a complete shift in perspective about how she was spending her time and energy.
What emerged was liberating for her - the realisation that she could dedicate 80% of her time to her zone of genius - her true strengths, while treating the remaining 20% as 'desirable extras' - essentially experiments she could try without the pressure of perfect execution.
It's fascinating how a simple reframe can create such clarity, isn't it?
Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to do everything perfectly that we forget to focus on what we're naturally brilliant at. The very things that light our fire and give us energy. Our super power.
We can often think that if something is hard work and exhausting then we must be doing it right. But actually how much are you using your true strengths, and your super power?
If you're feeling stretched thin or wondering whether you're spending your energy in the right places, perhaps ask yourself:
- What's in your zone of genius?
- Where do you shine without even trying?
- What if you gave yourself permission to spend most of your time there?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. What would change if you applied the 80/20 rule to your work and life?
Have a lovely and inspiring week.
P.S. If you'd like to explore your own zone of genius and identify your superpower, I'm opening up spaces for The Brave Collective's next cohort. Just hit reply if you'd like to learn more.