Are you a pioneer, founder or leader and long for a place of refuge from walking through treacle? Do you want to be in the company of others who want to reignite the fire in their belly? It's time to catch your breath and get your oomph back.

In these sessions, we will explore together the concept of Brave, and the elements that can support it: curiosity, clarity, energy, and action - all underpinned by connection. Connection to self, to each other, and to your vision. This is a space for you. You no longer need to feel isolated.

The first session will explore the concept of Brave and what it means for you, how to remove fear and regain your energy. By the end, you will feel grounded, and connected and hopefully feel the first sparks igniting that fire in the belly.

So, come along and bring a friend who may also need an hour's refuge. Join me and become part of The Brave Collective community. For leaders on a mission.

What does brave mean for you?

Date: 20th September

Time: 13:00 BST

Where: Online (Zoom)

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