The longest book I ever wrote should arrive in days
Jan 20, 2025 9:08 pm
The Cheerleader is coming!
Hello ,
Greetings from the snowy tundra of New Hampshire!
This week it really is that bad with temps down to single digits last night!
In the meantime, The Cheerleader is out to ARC readers and I'm crossing my fingers that the story delivers what people want and will enjoy!
It turned out to be 122k words long, so it's not for the faint of heart!!
The e-book will be released on January 24th - 26th at online retailers.
The print book will take a little longer, but I plan to offer signed print editions on my new upcoming Shopify Store - Stephanie Queen Romance Books. It's not live yet, but I'll keep you posted!
Onto the next project! In between setting up my Shopify store, I'll be writing Lucky Puck and you'll be the first to see the cover reveal!
BIG SALE Still on! Get a 60% Discount on the AUDIOBOOK - TWO PUCKS! Check out the details below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
I have another Excerpt and Review from the past for my Beachcomber Investigations series Book 3, Beachcomber Baby!
Check it out below
And check out my featured authors and featured book deals below! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
At SQ's House
Well, I was late this week--with my newsletter. Sorry about that! I have no excuse except that I was working furiously to get the proofreading done for The Cheerleader.
(If you find any mistakes
shoot me let me know!
Since I was so busy doing nothing but working and eating, I'm hard up for a picture to share. So I'm digging into my archives. ➜➜➜➜
This one goes way back. (You can tell by the wallpaper!) Why not?
I was less than a year old (in the high chair) eating Thanksgiving turkey with my father.
Being the resident child wrangler, he was holding my cousin Donna.
We were all in black and white back then--circa 1955. I'd like to say those were the days, but my memory from that age is a little fuzzy. 💜
Have any throwback photos you'd like to share? 💜
Send them in!
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Available for Pre-Order Now!
The story is packed with passion, action, drama and a fun look back at the archaic life of the 70's. (Long-distance phone calls anyone?)
It would mean a great deal to me if you pre-order The Cheerleader at your favorite store. 💞
SQ's Favorite Review from the Past - With an Excerpt!
Beachcomber Baby, Book 3 - Beachcomber Investigations Series
One of my favorite reviews:
"This is a captivating read with fascinating characters and a plot that includes action, adventure, baby trafficking, tragedy, twists, turns, family drama, secrets, mystery and a bit of romance. Once I started reading, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see what would happen next as I laughed, cried and cheered. I really liked the chemistry and relationship between partners Dane and Shana. This is the first book I have read by Stephanie Queen, but I plan to read more!!"
--Pamela R. Mitchell, Amazon
EXCERPT from Book 3
Beachcomber Baby
Shana hated that Dane could make her uncomfortable with just a look. Not the kind of discomfort that came from trepidation or embarrassment. It was the kind of discomfort that was all about need.
She watched him—stared really. He sat across from her in their special semicircular booth at the Lucky Parrot, leveling that look at her. She kept herself still. They were partners, for pity’s sake, not lovers.
She flipped her middle finger at him.
It was extreme, but she was extremely out of sorts.
He grinned. It was the whole-enchilada grin—the one that crinkled the corners of his irresistible hazel eyes and made him look vulnerable in spite of his invincible persona. She resisted lunging across the table at him to either grab him around the neck and strangle him breathless, or to grab a fistful of his hair and kiss him breathless. Her nostrils flared.
He grinned wider and she watched his full, trumpet-player-sensual lips move as he said, “What’s the matter Shana? Nothing on the menu interests you?”
“I don’t eat crap.” Two could play at innuendos.
He gentled his grin, possibly calling a truce to the tension, but she couldn’t let it go.
“I never eat this crap. I don’t know why you insist on coming here for breakfast. We should be back at the office—if you can call it an office—scaring up some business.”
He quirked one brow and turned as Marylu Deluzio appeared on cue. She always appeared on cue and had probably overheard every single word. Probably had the table wired. It was Dane’s special table after all. He’d probably given her the latest listening device to plant in case he wanted to bring some nefarious suspect here for secret questioning.
Shana said, “Coffee. Black,” and resisted smacking the plastic menu on the table. She handed it to Marylu. No need to take her mood out on the poor girl.
“Looks like spring is in the air,” Marylu said.
“That must be what has Shana all hot and bothered.” Dane didn’t look at her when he said it. She took a deep breath and did not kick him under the table. He was probably right. Partly right. But then he knew the real problem.
“I’ll have the usual,” he said.
Marylu took the menus and sashayed off, dressed in her barmaid uniform. The Lucky Parrot had only recently opened in the mornings for breakfast. It had been all Dane’s idea. He’d convinced the bar owner that he was wasting his perfectly good kitchen every morning. Once the summer people left Martha’s Vineyard, the Lucky Parrot never stayed open late at night and the owner could use the extra revenue on the off-season.
Apparently Dane’s ideal vision of Vineyard Haven included an all-year-round greasy spoon breakfast diner. He promised he would show up and lend some local color—make sure the Lucky Parrot had a morning crowd.
He was true to his word. The Lucky Parrot was busy. Dane was the draw. He told stories. Old special forces stories. No way of telling whether or not he made them up, but Shana figured at least parts of them were true.
She shuddered.
That made Dane give her that special invitational smile again. She kicked him under the table.
“Why do you eat this stuff? You used to eat healthy. You used to have only coffee for breakfast,” she said.
“Did I? How would you know? I once ate a lizard for breakfast.”
She clenched her jaw to prevent another shudder.
“A live lizard.”
He shrugged. Marylu delivered their coffees and he took a sip of his. Shana waited until he had a mouthful before she drank her own. She didn’t want him saying anything to disturb her sip of scalding coffee. It was something he might do. Then he’d claim he was testing her for her own good.
What the hell was she doing here anyway?
He put his cup down and was still, then said, “You thinking of leaving the island, girlie?” He gave her a mild inquiring look as if he were asking her whether she slept well—which she hadn’t. She ought to be used to his sixth sense—his ability to read her mind and see right through her and know what was on her mind before she did.
“No.” It was a knee-jerk response. Telling in itself. She would rise to any challenge he posed. No matter what. He knew that, of course. He made the preemptive challenge so that she would not leave the island. To spite him. In spite of her own restlessness.
“We’ll get a case soon. I feel it.”
She snorted. “That won’t pay for my coffee.”
“I’ll pay for—”
She put up a hand. They’d had this conversation before.
“I don’t want your charity.”
“You’re my partner. We’re in business together. I’m staking some money is all.”
“Call it what you will. I’m taking the next divorce case that comes in and I don’t care what you say.”
“Rash words.”
She kicked him under the table again and he laughed. “Seriously, Shana. You don’t really want to take a divorce case any more than I do. Besides, the summer people will be back in a couple weeks and you’ll have to give up your place and move back in with me for the season—that’ll save you money.”
She looked at him. He looked serious and unconcerned, like he had no hidden agenda, like there was nothing amiss, no problem at all with anything he’d said.
“Move back in—”
“Mrs. Jones is going to start renting the place weekly soon. Didn’t she mention it to you?”
“You can’t mean—”
“Yes I can. We’ll be fine.” He shut her down and took a long sip of coffee. Gone was the easy smile. Gone was the noncommittal look and there was no sexy invitation in sight. His eyes took on that other look he had that made her shudder in a completely different way. It was his menacing shark look. He was not going to discuss it further. She’d have to live with him or leave the island. Because she was certain he’d fix it so no one else would rent to her for any price.
“I need a case for my sanity. We both do.” They couldn’t have a relationship discussion right now, so business was the only way to go.
It had been a long time since Valentine’s Day— and their last case. It was already the end of May and it had been a long hard winter.
They’d had a truce up until that minute. Their truce had been helped in part by their friend and sometimes partner in crime-fighting, Captain Colin Lynch, in between his keeping the residents of Martha’s Vineyard safe during harsh weather and keeping communication and travel open. At one point a ferry had been stranded and the supermarket shelves almost emptied. Cap had his state troopers guarding the supplies and Shana and Dane had lent a hand.
Shana bristled at remembering how Dane had turned down their last offer of a case—a divorce case. Dane refused to follow some guy with a jealous wife.
“Maybe I’ll call the governor,” Shana said. “He might have something for us.
Dane raised one brow.
“Maybe I’ll call Mrs. Governor.” She lifted her chin. Dane chuckled.
“You’d better call her Madeline or she’ll shoot you.” He ate another forkful of something slimy with grease off his plate, and then looked up at her again. She waited. She was getting good at waiting him out.
“Go ahead. Call him. Never know. Maybe he will have something.”
He let his fork clatter onto the plate. “But he would have called if he had something.”
“Not if it was off-island. Not necessarily.”
He gave her a neutral stare for a beat and then shrugged. Picking up the napkin, he swiped it across those lips and stood all in one motion. Sometimes she hated the way he had of taking charge. She stood.
But sometimes she loved it and the ripple of awareness strummed through her as if he were a master cellist and she were his—
Shit. “I’m calling as soon as we get back. On the secure line.” She followed him outside and said to his back as he headed for their transportation—the ratty old Jeep with an immortal engine and not much else going for it. “So you’re okay with off-island?”
“It depends.”
That was the entire approval she needed. Because she knew that was the only approval she would get.
They drove the two point three miles back to the beach shack and she wondered how Dane—normally a man of action—could be so Zen about hanging around this tiny godforsaken island all winter. But he’d kept himself busy over the Internet and helping out friends long distance with information and advice. And his relentless physical training, target shooting and what she could only describe as stockpiling of armaments.
As soon as they got back to the house, Dane dropped her off and took off for his daily run. He would return in about an hour to work out in his state-of-the-art gym in his otherwise dingy basement. It made no sense to her after the breakfast he’d eaten, but she didn’t bother saying anything beyond the scowl. Shana called Governor Douglas.
“It must be kismet because I was just wondering who I should call about a delicate case,” the governor said.
“How delicate?”
“It involves a baby.”
“Oh.” A baby. Shana could feel her uterus contracting. Painfully.
“It’s a ...different kind of case. Maybe I should—”
“No—we’ll take it. Is it a missing baby? Someone stole a baby?”
“No. Someone found a baby.”
Read more now...
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Soon she’s baking cookies and tempting him to take a bite. And Declan's list for Santa becomes a taste of her sweet lips and a chance to thread his fingers through those golden waves.
The Grumpy Bear should never fall for Goldilocks, but when the snow clears it might already be too late.
May contain lots of laughs and Metros baseball fun. Gracie York is a pen name for the author duo Jenni Bara and AJ Ranney.
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That’s right, ladies and gents.
After a hotel screw-up, I walk in on none other than Michael Greer.
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Kyle is no stranger to female attention as all the residents seem to gravitate towards him, but he has a rule against dating girls who live at the complex. This disappoints Avery, but doesn’t discourage her from pursuing him anyway. She believes that once Kyle gets to know the real her, she will be able to break his rule and make him fall in love with her.
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Thank you for reading this newsletter. I'll be sharing more about my upcoming Shopify store and cover reveals for 2025 new releases in the coming weeks. 😘 💜
Warmest Regards and Happy New Year!