they hated this one

Jan 26, 2023 2:19 pm

Hey, it's Bruce

I released a podcast on the Pizza Expo, sharing my honest opinion about the show and ways it could be improved. Needless to say, people from the show were not happy with it.

Even though I was really honest and received hundreds of messages from people who 100% agreed with me.

Take a listen for yourself and make your own opinion.

Ok, here's the rest of the goods.

In the news:

From The Podcast:

On The Tubes:

Marketing Help:

Talk soon


Thank you to the following for their support. Please check them out :)

MailShark: For direct mail needs

Stanislaus: For great tomato products

Fiero Group: So much more than just ovens, but also great ovens.

Smithfield Culinary: Really good pepperoni for pizza :)

P.S. Working on some content for our SPM members. Join here if you need some inspiration or ideas to get your marketing back on track.

