9/9/2022 - Kickstarter Launch Day

Sep 09, 2022 5:22 pm

Hello everyone,

This is a special mid-month announcement. I'll be sending you the full monthly newsletter in 11 days with comments on Dragon Con and some of the upcoming projects, but we have a special event today, and I want to make sure you all have a chance to see it.

Murderbirds, an Avian Anthology goes live as a presale Kickstarter this evening.


In addition to being an awesome collection as is, we're doing some exciting things with the Kickstarter, including a few backing tiers with limited availability—so the early bird gets the bonus. These include:

  • Early editions signed by several of the authors;
  • Tuckerization, or getting yourself inserted directly into a story;
  • Optional short story critique add-ons;
  • …and more

Come check it out this evening and stay tuned for more updates.


Mike Jack Stoumbos

