8/20/2022 - Avian Anthology Ahead!

Aug 20, 2022 6:30 pm

8/20/2022 - Avian Anthology Ahead!

Hello Speculative Fiction Enthusiasts!

The summer is rapidly wrapping up—and paving the way for an awesome Autumn. The highlights alone are taking up the majority of my schedule lately.

  1. When the school year begins, I'll be teaching again, specifically high school fiction writing classes through an online writing academy.
  2. I have another THIS FINE CREW novel coming out in October and I'm close to finishing a Four Horsemen Universe novel.
  3. The big new item on the horizon—I'm putting together an anthology. Presales begin on Kickstarter on September 9th.


Murderbirds is an anthology about birds and intent to kill. The stories are inspired by real-world specimens but with a speculative fiction twist, so you can get your scifi, fantasy, and paranormal fix.

I have been collecting story submissions from several author support and education communities, including:

Among the authors, we have a total of 11 Writers of the Future winners, several scientists writing science fiction, some teachers, and selection readers for speculative fiction periodicals. I'll be posting author spotlights on my Facebook Author Page, as well as on my Patreon page which will include some more sneak peaks at the art and behind-the-scenes process.

Meet the Team - Award-Winning Authors of Murderbirds

  • Martin L Shoemaker, critically-acclaimed, award-winning author of Today I Am Carey
  • Z.T. Bright, Writers of the Future v38 Winner and author of the anthology's preview story "The Delicious Irony of Dino Nuggets" (coming soon—look for it on the Kickstarter preview page and on MikeJackStoumbos.com)


Also joined by (alphabetically)

The cover reveal, along with the preview story and more information, will become available in the near future.

…and join the Aviary - Tuckerization in Murderbirds

If you would like to become part of the anthology, you can get your name into a story. During the run of the Kickstarter, there will be an option for a limited number of backers to insert themselves in the action via Tuckerization. Should you choose to be Tuckerized (have a name much like your own appear in the story) you might see your likeness as a victim of some kind of bird monster, or you might have a scifi research institute named after you, or you might be a literal wish-granting demon.

Other backing tiers include the eBook, paperback, and a pending audiobook if our funding reaches a certain threshold.

The Kickstarter goes live on September 9th, but you can preregister for reminders at this link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mikejackstoumbos/murderbirds-an-avian-anthology

Check back closer to the end of August for the preview story to go live, and please ignore the plotting parrot…


Other News - And Other Kickstarters

A friend recently asked me if we're in a Kickstarter season for speculative fiction, and while I don't know if there is any intentional drive to have so many going at once, there do seem to be many—whether about to start, currently in progress, or recently wrapped.

Recently funded on Kickstarter, Animal Magica: An Epic Fantasy Coloring Book, vol 2 by Tanya Hales. If you like fantasy, art, and coloring—or know someone who does—I highly recommend checking this one out. The Kickstarter has concluded (at $9500 out of its $1500 goal) but the volume will soon be available to order. One fun aspect of this book is that each of the illustrations is accompanied by a short vignette written by fantasy authors, including Kevin J Anderson, James A Owen, Gama Martinez, and me.


Brave New Worlds recently dropped from Zombies Need Brains, and they're putting out their list for next year's anthologies. If you are an aspiring writer and have not already followed them on Facebook, I highly recommend it. Otherwise, whether writer or reader, you can find out more about their upcoming 4 themed anthologies on their Kickstarter:

New Zombies Need Brains Anthologies for Year 10! by Joshua Palmatier

Dragon Con 2022!

And, as if the end of summer isn't busy enough, we have one more massive event to get through before we can call it concluded: Dragon Con!

I will be in Atlanta at Dragon Con this year—first time—and I'll admit, I'm overwhelmed by the prospect of the crowds.

I will be speaking on panels about space opera (including Flash Gordon), writing, and a reprise of the Xenoarchaeology roadshow. In between time, I'll most likely be among the Chris Kennedy Publishing cohort or at signing blocks with Galaxy Press and Writers of the Future. If you're there, come say hi.

Looking forward to meeting more people in person, and bracing for the end of summer.


Mike Jack Stoumbos
