10/21/2022 - SciFi Book Bundles and New Novels (including THIS FINE CREW 4)

Oct 21, 2022 5:06 pm

10/21/2022 - SciFi Book Bundles and New Novels

Happy October—this time coming to you from sunny (if a bit brisk) Outer Banks, North Carolina,

This weekend is Factory Con, the home convention and full-comfort campout for Chris Kennedy Publishing. Every year, the boss, many of the editors and authors, their families, and CKP readers get together for a few days of downtime on the coast. Some of you reading this might already be on-site.


If you are an avid reader of CKP books—like the 4HU, Salvage Title Universe, or THIS FINE CREW—and you're not already a subscriber to the CKP mailing list, go to chriskennedypublishing.com/ and subscribe for information about events like this and eARCs.

The Impossible Moon, TFC4 eARC (now) and Release Date (10/28)


"The Impossible Moon," book 4 of THIS FINE CREW, rises in less than two weeks--and the crew of the Starship Endeavor is hardly prepared for it.

To unlock the secret of universal language acquisition, Kesiel must bring her squad to a mysterious moon, where the line between religion and science is blurred beyond recognition. Are the powers on the surface too good to be true, or simply too alien to be believed?

If you're just joining the Initiative, book 4 is an easy entry point for a stand-alone adventure. Or, you can dive into the first trilogy and get ready for the voyage to continue. (Check out the novel bundles below for more opportunities to read the earlier books.

If you want to join the launch team for this book, email Chris.Kennedy12@gmail.com—but do it soon, because the book goes live in one week.

Speaking of which, on the evening of 10/28, we will be hosting an online Launch Event, which will include passage readings, concept art sharing, and a book giveaway drawing. Join the public event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/3177558259161293/

Updates on Murderbirds, an avian anthology

The Murderbirds Kickstarter was a huge success! Not only did we make initial funding in one day and snag the #ProjectWeLove tag, we also had a very successful final 8 hours, during which we short past the audiobook stretch goal and onto the third bonus story in the collection.

We are excited to announce that the Murderbirds TOC now includes Crystal Crawford, Wulf Moon, and Jody Lynn Nye.

You can find out more about the anthology here: ​​https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mikejackstoumbos/murderbirds-an-avian-anthology

Book Bundles - Novel Collections and Short Story Freebies

First, let's start with the free stories: October SciFi Freebies (StoryOrigin Free Short Story Swap)

Check out these scifi and fantasy stories—you might just discover your new favorite author.



Otherwise, if you're looking ahead and the holiday season and thinking of picking up some novels, take a look at this pay-what-you-want novel bundle.

Locked and Loaded, a Military SF Bundle, curated by Kevin J Anderson


Not only do you get to set your price for this collection, but you also have the option of downloading the eBooks onto any device.

We have two other active bundles, both of which include The Signal Out of Space, which you can find on StoryOrigin. Check out the links to learn more:

…and Other New Releases

The last month has been eventful for a few other authors in the larger CKP family, three of whom are friends of mine who joined this year at a conference we attended together in February.

First, check out The Anisian Convergence series, a "CliFi" or Climate Science Fiction series by Mike Wyant Jr, that has been rapidly releasing since this summer, and just launched book 4, The Futility of Intent.


We also have the opening installments of two new series from D. T. Read and Trisha Wooldridge:

Running from the Gods, Book 1 of The Seventh Shaman series

Heart, Wings, and Fire, Book 1 of The 27 Kingdoms series


One Con Left!

Factory Con is my second-to-last convention for 2022. In three weeks, I'll be teaching at FyreCon. Luckily for authors who want to attend, FyreCon is entirely online. You can check it out here: https://www.fyrecon.com/registration/

For the November newsletter, I'll do a look back at the various conventions, including a brief look ahead at the ones on next year's schedule.

For now, I'll bid you all happy reading, writing, and (hopefully) relaxing.

Signing off for in-person Factory Con,

Mike Jack Stoumbos






