7/20/2022 - Halfway through 2022, looking back and looking ahead
Jul 20, 2022 8:35 pm
7/20/2022 - Halfway through 2022, looking back and looking ahead
Greetings everyone!
Do you ever feel so bogged down by current and future tasks that you never feel like you get to pause and look back on how far you've come? I have been falling into that pattern for the last several months, between the traveling and writing in particular.
Case in point: I turned book 4 of THIS FINE CREW in to the publisher and editor—and I immediately dove into writing the next book on the list. But I also should celebrate the milestone of finishing and turning in another book. Funny thing is, that was the 10th novel I'd ever written. It will also be my 5th published novel. You know what, that's pretty cool :)
So far, in 2022, I have added "award-winning," "international," and "bestselling," all of which are new to me this year. On top of that, The Signal out of Space has broken the 100-rating mark, and the German translation of Seed in the Sky goes live today. Sure, there is still a lot more ground to cover, and volumes to write before I sleep, but I was happy to have a chance to think back and reminisce on the "Inside CKP" channel the other day with Jeremy Comeaux.
"Inside CKP" Live Podcast Ep.10 Featuring: Mike Jack Stoumbos, Science Fiction and Fantasy Author.
…now looking ahead.
This coming weekend, I'll be in Winston-Salem, NC for Congregate 2022, where I'll be on panels and teaching workshops https://congregate82022.sched.com/
The second and third virtual bookstore events for Writers of the Future are both available as public facebook events.
- Tuesday July 26th at 9pm Eastern https://www.facebook.com/events/1107269393220341/
- Thursday July 28th at 7pm Eastern https://www.facebook.com/events/564287115358778/
If you're in the Richmond area on July 30th, come visit me at a local author pop-up at the Supreme Flea Market on 3302 Williamsburg Rd, more details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/763476458430661
Then, on August 1st, we will get the new anthology Brave New Worlds from publisher Joshua Palmatier of Zombies Need Brains, along with two other anthologies. My story, Dead of Night, also comes with an original song that I'll be releasing online on August 1st as well.
Also, if you are looking for some Lovecraftian horror comedy (or even if you're not), check out the preview story for the Cthulhu Fhcon anthology. https://impulsivewalrusbooks.com/cthulhunews/ I have a story in this collection as well, and more updates will be provided as we get closer to the Kickstarter and the launch.
There are some more short story publications on the horizon, from Mythulu, DreamForge, and WordFire Press, and others, as well as an anthology that I am curating and editing from the Superstars Writing Seminars and Apex Writers Group communities. If you are interested in digging deeper into your own science fiction or fantasy writing career, I highly recommend checking out both of those author education and support groups. Both have been instrumental in the opportunities I've had so far and continue to find.
As I start looking ahead at 2023, everything about it that's daunting is also exciting. Whatever it is you're working on, here's hoping that an occasional look back at your progress helps motivate the next steps.
If you'd like to check out more of my ongoing work and behind-the-scenes material, the best place to find it is on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MikeJackStoumbos
Mike Jack Stoumbos
So many to choose from in July, so you will want to scroll down to see all.