The Official Newsletter of Kingdom Builders of Central New York

Feb 12, 2022 6:01 am



Mission Statement:

Kingdom Builders ministry exists to serve homeowners in the greater Oneonta area by providing quality labor to address construction needs that they are unable to accomplish by their own means. Although the practical focus is on construction, the spiritual focus is on building relationships with those served, with the end goal of demonstrating the love of Christ through ministry.

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A chance. A hope. Grace.


“But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:21-24 NIV

These verses are powerful to me, "for ALL have sinned and fall short...and ALL are justified freely by his grace". WOW! Thank God for his grace! My past certainly is very checkered and needed God’s grace. Without it I am doomed. In his grace, mercy and love he sent Jesus as an atonement for all our sins and checkered pasts. Throughout the Gospels we read of how Jesus had relationships with all sorts of people with broken, sinful and less than perfect lives. And this is how God wants us to live our lives. Relationships are one of the most important things in our lives that sustain us, grow us and allow us to emulate the likeness of Christ. One of the visions of Kingdom Builders is to come along side those that have made mistakes in their lives and need a chance to get back on their feet and into society. I have been blessed to have been able to spend some time with individuals from a rehabilitation center and from relationships. One young man has been in my life for about 3 years now. We have worked together on several projects and have formed a good trusting relationship. He recently had a baby and needs work now more than ever. So, God put him on my heart to bring to our board for discussion. Its time. We decided, when we can financially, to bring this young man in to help with our projects and compensate him for his labor. He will work alongside me in our projects to help me get them completed. So please pray. Pray I can always be Christ to him, and he can see what a relationship with God is truly about.

We started working on a project that needed new skirting and new flooring. We put this young man to work helping me get this done. We pulled it off and had a good time doing it. The next was prepping the floor to have installers come in for new flooring. All went well and in a very timely manner. imageimageimageimage

I recruited some of our board members to help get the furniture out of the house

and back in. As you see in the photos, we also recruited one of our board members son. Let’s get them emulating Christ young, I say. Our homeowner is also in the photo. Good times for all and great fellowship. So as the project was going along, I noticed small space heaters were throughout the home. So, I asked about her heat. She proceeded to tell me her furnace quit about two years ago and hasn't run since. Ugh. This crushed me. And touched me. This humble young lady who is so appreciative our us didn't tell us she had no sustainable source of heat. And folks this is upstate New York in January. We are in minus degree temps right now! We agreed to take care of this. I looked it over, got it running and called in a professional service man to come check it all out to make sure it will keep running. This, my friends, has been a project of blessings all around. And it can't happen without you and your generosity. THANK YOU!


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So, moving forward our desire will be to bring in individuals in need of a boost to get them back on track. Not to provide full employment, but just a boost. In hopes to help them, teach them a skill and encourage them. To have them be a part of a Christ centered ministry that will hopefully plant a seed in their hearts that will carry them as they get back into society. A chance, a hope. Grace. Just as God offers us.



God, for the continued opportunity to reflect him to others, the privilege he has given for us to join in His work and for the abundant opportunity to help and serve.

For His redemption, justification and never-ending grace.

That we don’t have to do life alone. You have blessed us with a body of believers that we can call our family.


For continued strength and health for Andy.

For Andy’ witness, that he is lead by the Spirit and that his faithfulness is displayed through his unwavering commitment to people.


image Kingdom Builders is on the move!

If you are interested in KB visiting your house of worship just let us know!

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