Episode 29 - John 14:27

Thanks for joining me for this episode - it's another opportunity to remember the faithfulness of our God & to bring to the very forefront of our minds one specific promise He has given us from His Word.   John 14:27 (AMP) - "I am leaving you wit...

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Jun 18, 2020
Episode 24 - Daniel 7:14 & The Dominion of Jesus

Daniel 7:14 & the dominion of our Lord.   Jesus has total & absolute dominion over everything - over all of it. All means ALL & that should provide us with tremendous comfort. Nothing is exempt from "ALL". Because all really does mean eve...

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Apr 24, 2020
Episode 23 - Psalm 1 Part 2

God's promises are LIFE for us as His children. LIFE.   The words of this psalm can impact, improve and enhance our lives..help us to grow, be more functional, and become more like Jesus.   Psalm 1:4, 5, 6 (Amplified)      The wicked (those who live...

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Apr 20, 2020
Episode 21 ~ Psalm 1 - Part 1

  Taking a look at Psalm 1 ~   Psalm 1:1-3 (Amplified) Blessed (fortunate, prosperous and favored by God) is the man who does not wlk in the counsel of the wicked (following their advice an example), not stand in the path of sinners, not sit (down to...

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Mar 25, 2020