What words would I want to put down on paper (or on virtual paper via, say, a blog post) if I knew they would be my last and final words?What would the Lord want me to say?What words would matter most? People’s last words may be carefully chosen and...

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Jan 30, 2023
Prayer - Unshackling Faith & Maintaining Hope

When I get too focused on the unknowns & the what-if’s, I start to lose hope. And when I start to lose hope, I don’t pray big, bold prayers. And I don’t encourage others to hold on to hope, believe God’s promises, and pray big, bold prayer...

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Nov 07, 2022
Perfect Peace

Fixed on You...Stayed on You...Stops at You & goes no further.May my thinking & my living, the way I love others & the words that I speak, my attitude & my intentions in any & every situation come to the Lord my God and then stop...

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Apr 28, 2022
What I Learned From 17 Weeks of Psalm 91…

In the fall of 2021, I decided to do something big. (Well, at least it seemed big to me.) To spend 17 weeks going verse-by-verse through Psalm 91. But not just going through it by myself; I decided to do this in a private group on Facebook. By going...

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Mar 24, 2022
Focus on Freedom Post # 1 - Galatians 5:1

Galatians 5:1 (CSB) - For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm, then, and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery. In America, early July is pretty much all about freedom. On Independence Day, we participate in an entire series of events in ou...

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Jul 06, 2021
James 1:6-8…How To Ask

Let’s talk about prayer. Prayer is, to be sure, asking the Lord for specific things. It is worthwhile to take a bit of time & ponder what it means, this asking…James 1:6-8 tells us HOW to ask.What is the most important part of our prayer life? J...

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Jul 15, 2020