OOPS! I Fixed the Coupon Code! Merry Christmas & A Gift to Thank You for Being Part of This Ministry Over the Past Year!

Dec 22, 2022 9:43 pm

(OOPS! The coupon code wasn't working but I fiddled with it and it should work now. Sorry about that! That is not a fun Christmas gift at all!)

Just wanted to say "THANK YOU" and "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to you today.


While it may seem like a simple thing to listen to a podcast, be part of a Facebook group, listen to a speaker at a summit or conference or women's ministry event, read an email or a blog post, or check out a website --- to me, it is anything but! I am so incredibly grateful and as a way of saying expressing my thanks, I wanted to offer you a free copy of my eBook "The Next 7 Days - A Weekly Prayer Journal".

Using this LINK, you can grab your free copy by using the coupon code MERRY.

(The coupon will work on any item at my website, taking $5 off a purchase or making "The Next 7 Days - A Weekly Prayer Journal" totally free. I wanted you to be able to use this code any way you wanted!)

Thanks for being here & have a blessed Christmas!

~ Jan L. Burt

PS - Here is a link to a podcast devotional I was invited to do last Christmas. It's my genuine wish for you as much year as it was last Christmas!
