A Loving God Makes Loving Promises (This Week on The Runway Email with Jan L. Burt )

Oct 11, 2022 6:40 pm




Well, hey there!

Jan L. Burt dropping by your inbox to deliver some encouragement from the Bible as a quick “refuel” for you today.

In a verse from the New Testament book of Matthew, we see Jesus taking notice of the crowds.

He took notice, and then He did something for the crowds of people.

Jesus responded to what He noticed, to what He saw.

He is still doing the work of noticing people and responding to what He sees today.

Matthew 5:1-2 - Now when Jesus saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them.

The Lord sees you today.

Your messy (or very tidy) circumstances are seen by the Lord.

Your fears. Your hopes. Your dreams. The longings of your heart. 

The good, the bad, and the ugly…Jesus sees it all.

He sees Y-O-U and He responds to what He sees.

His response is rooted in love.

The love of Jesus is unstoppable. It took Him to the cross and paved the way for our forgiveness and eternal life. He has not stopped loving people over the past 2,000 years. 

Trust that He sees you today.

He notices you.

And He is doing something for you as a result of seeing you, right where you are at this moment in time.

Do you need more wisdom? Some understanding? Some help? Ask Him for what you need and believe He will provide an answer.

Just as He sat down and began to teach the people in these verses from Matthew chapter 5, He has time for you (i.e. He can sit down with you and spend the needed time with you, right in this exact place). And He can teach you today. And tomorrow. And all the days of your life.

He can do the same for your children, your spouse, your coworkers, your neighbors, your loved ones.

If Jesus has time for you today to help you where He sees you need some help, can you make some time to spend with Him and learn what He wants to teach you? It will be time well spent! 

~ Jan L. Burt

P.S. - I would be honored to pray for you, and if you ever have a prayer request you are welcome to reply to one of my emails or reach out to me at JanLBurt@outlook.com and I will stand in prayer with you. :) 
