Truth Is...

Aug 18, 2022 9:24 pm

imageTruth is…

I really did not feel comfortable starting this email to you with those two words. Because the truth that I was pondering wasn’t what I wanted to share with you all. 

But maybe somebody else is facing some stuff that is similar to what I’m going to share here. So I decided I would start with “Truth is…”

Truth is, I really miss homeschooling my kids.

Yes, I taught all five of them at home from preschool until they graduated from high school and moved to college. Yes, my youngest graduated high school in 2018 and is about to start her fifth year in college (a senior). Yes, I suppose I should be completely settled into this whole “empty nest” thing by now, and not miss those years of homeschooling. 

Truth is, I really miss homeschooling my kids.

And, perhaps, that is part of why I say “YES!” to pretty much every opportunity I have to speak at homeschool summits and conferences. I plan and pray over my workshop content, and even though I’ve spoken dozens of times, I have never once “re-used” or repeated a topic. It’s new every single time. One of the ways I come up with new workshop topics is by remembering what it was like on the hard days of homeschooling, on the most successful days of homeschooling, and what I wish I’d been able to hear somebody talk about at a homeschool summit back in the day.

My podcast is all about God’s promises and understanding our identity.

My private online prayer retreat group is, well, that’s pretty self-explanatory, I suppose!

When I speak at an in-person event, it is rarely about home education.

So the daily world I live and work in isn’t really homeschool based; that’s not my normal audience. And it may seem kinda weird that I share with my un-homeschooling audience about homeschool summits and conferences. 

Hopefully this little “truth is…” email will explain why homeschooling comes up now and then. 

Truth is… I hope I never forget how wonderful it was to be home with my kiddos during their growing up years. It was the best gig I ever had, and I’m eternally grateful that I got to be mom to my five children. What a blessing! 

So, when you get an email from me that is about homeschooling rather than my normal email about my monthly giveaways or The Burt (Not Ernie) Show podcast or a Bible verse and a prayer, it’s partly because I’m still missing those days when my kids were being homeschooled. And it’s partly because I hope to share some encouragement with moms who are doing today what I was doing in years past.

Thanks for letting me share this with you today.

And I’ll add a little P.S. below about the summit I’m part of currently (the topics I’m speaking on and the daily prayer room I am heading up at the summit). Scroll down if you’re interested, or don’t scroll if you’re not.

Mostly, though, I hope you have a fabulous day and that you have somebody to share your “Truth is…” thoughts with!

God bless!

~Jan L. Burt

As part of Kerry Beck's Homeschool Super Heroes Week Summit, I am leading a daily private Prayer Room and so far, that has been amazing. Praying for these attendees, these parents, is truly a privilege and I’m humbled Kerry asked me to be the Prayer Coordinator for her summit. 

The workshops I am teaching are “Life-Long Learning with Unit Studies” and “Praying Psalm 91 Over Your Family”.  

If you or anyone you know would like a VIP ticket (with lots of perks and some special bonus material from me personally) click HERE.

Or if you or anyone you know would like a FREE ticket (each day's workshops are available to you for 24 hours only), click HERE.


