Jesus Is the Bread of Life (This Week on The Runway Email with Jan L. Burt )

Sep 02, 2022 6:47 pm


Well, hey there!

Jan L. Burt dropping by your inbox to deliver some encouragement from the Bible as a quick “refuel” for you today.

In John 6:35 we find one of the “I Am” statements that Jesus made in the Gospels.

Jesus refers to Himself as the Bread of Life in John chapter 6, verse 35. 

Every name the Lord uses to describe Himself in the Bible is important, and as wrap up the summer season and start the hustle and busy-ness of the fall season, when farmers all across the midwest prepare for harvest and we pull the sweaters out of the closet, it’s a good time to remember that Jesus is the Bread of Life. He does not want us to be spiritually hungry, and He promises that we won’t be, so long as we come to Him to be filled.

This verse gives us some insight into who our God is.

He is the Bread of Life.

John 6:35 - Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.”

One thing I have learned after decades of Bible study is this: when God uses the word “will”, He means it.

And when He tells us who He is, He means that, too.

Jesus was never random when He spoke. When He referred to Himself as the Bread of Life, there was intention behind His choice of words. 

In the Old Testament, bread was part of an offering (placed in the Temple as “Showbread” which only the priests could eat). There was a very special type of food that had a bread-like quality known as “manna” that was miraculously given to the Israelites for their daily food during the 40-year trek in the desert following the exodus from Egypt. And in the New Testament, we read about bread and wine (or juice) instituted by the Lord Jesus as part of communion, which we take in remembrance of His sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus stated that He will not eat the bread or drink the wine until He does so with all of us, or does it “anew”, in heaven.

And the little town of Bethlehem where Jesus was born?

Bethlehem literally means “house of bread”.

He truly is the Bread of Life, and He has provision for your every need on a continual, day by day basis. 

Whatever your need, He has the ability to meet it.

Be sure to ask Him for what you need today. And then ask for whatever you need tomorrow. 

He has daily bread for you, and He delights to bless you with His provision and with His presence. 


Lord bless you today and thanks for letting me stop by your inbox with this refuel via “The Runway”.

~ Jan L. Burt

P.S. - I would be honored to pray for you, and if you ever have a prayer request you are welcome to reply to one of my emails or reach out to me at and I will stand in prayer with you. :) 

