What Books Am I Giving Away This Month?

Aug 09, 2022 6:12 pm

Just wanted to say “THANKS!” for being on my email list & to let you know about the August book giveaway!


I’ll email the winner on August 22nd to get their shipping info.

This month I am giving away a softcover copy of the book A Woman and Her God & a copy of a devotional I wrote called The Power of God’s Will - 40 Days of God’s Promises. I’m excited to send these books off to one person on my email list!

As always, my giveaways are just a fun little way to thank you for being part of my community here at JanLBurt.com.

And two quick updates: #1 ~ I’m so honored to be part of Kerry Beck’s Homeschool Superheroes Summit —- she is adding a prayer room to this event & I am so honored that she asked me to head it up! Click the link to grab your free ticket and join me in the prayer room via the Facebook group each morning of the summit week AND during the early bird week, too! (August 15-19 for early bird & August 22-26 for summit week!) I created a couple of things to give away to prayer room attendees and I am just so excited about the opportunity to pray for everyone who joins!

Good luck with the August giveaway - I hope you win!


~ Jan L. Burt

host of The Burt (Not Ernie) Show Podcast

getting the promises of God into the people of God

Listen to the Podcast Here
