Bacon's Weekly Update

Dec 12, 2020 12:07 pm

Hi there Patriots!

My health was giving me a difficult time, and I didn't write for a good minute! I'm back!

Here's my weekly update for December 12th, 2020...

🗒️ We The People Aren’t Cowards


They want us to give up.

They want us to be more divided.

They want us to turn our back on the President.

I stand, as a Patriot of America, with President Donald J Trump.

Do you?

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🗒️ COVID-19 Vaccine: Yea or Nay?


Read this breakdown to learn a little more about the new mRNA vaccines for COVID-19.Are they all they're made out to be?...

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🗒️ YouTube Goes Full Commie


YouTube officially decided to go full Commie.

Yesterday, December 9th, YouTube updated their terms of services to include banning YouTubers if they dare to speak about the election being rigged resulting in President Trump losing the election.

Here's the breakdown about facts and opinions that are now not allowed on YouTube anymore; that will cause you to lose your platform, possibly your livelihood for those whose income is solely from YouTube.

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🗒️ “If Only One Side Is Armed Fewer People Will Be Killed”


Texas State Representative Terry Meza (D-TX) has introduced HB196.This bill would repeal the Texas state's "castle doctrine.

" The castle doctrine allows a homeowner to use deadly force against an armed intruder who breaks into one's home.

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🗒️ “Current Communist Goals” of 1963 Are 2020’s Reality



Normand's checklist of 45 things needing to be done to America for Communism to take over is truly daunting.

In this breakdown, highlighted the points that are so incredibly apparent in 2020's America because it is frightening how close we are to becoming a Communist nation.

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🗒️ Trump Derangement Syndrome in Full Force


The radical Leftists call those on the Right "Nazis" and "fascists" while ironically inciting violence on and censoring those who do not share ideological beliefs for "thinking wrong.

" There is an idea on the Left that those who don't think like you must be silenced before they get others to think similarly, but that has recently gone on steroids to the idea that those who think differently must be "deprogrammed" or "must pay.


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🗒️ We The People Need to Stand Up Against Tyranny


The draconian lockdown measures are tyrannical and clearly not based in science, and this breakdown shows people standing up against the tyrannical orders from governments who wish to take our Rights.

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🗒️ Election Improprieties: Michigan


With today's censorship of Conservative voices on Social Media, it may be difficult to sift through the disclaimers and Fake News saying there is no widespread voter fraud.

Here's the breakdown on the evidence and lawsuits that have been presented in regards to alleged fraud in Michigan in the 2020 Presidential Election.

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Bacon Breaks It Down
