John O'looney, funeral director at the Milton Keynes Family Funeral Home in Milton Keynes, England, has a warning for everyone about the recent experimental injections being pushed by nearly every government [on Dec. 6th 2021].
John O'looney, funeral director at the Milton Keynes Family Funeral Home in Milton Keynes, England, has a warning for everyone about the recent experimental injections being pushed by nearly every government [on Dec. 6th 2021].
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
I have been on a hiatus from media of any sort for a couple of weeks, and I am ready to start catching up on current events so I can write articles for my wonderful readers. Here's a small breakdown of my time away from Clownworld.
This new Delta variant is being hyped up even though the stats don't line up with the level of angst put on the American people. This breakdown will explain why the Delta variant is not a notable threat to anyone, whether or not they are vaccinated.
I was very alarmed seeing the Pride Parade on Blue's Clues & You. Concerned with the tragic forced mass attempt of Marxist indoctrination on our future generations, I decided to look into this suspicious looking episode of an already beta-male ba...
One of the most difficult decisions I made last year was to come out as a conservative. Though it may be shocking that I was ever shy about my political beliefs, there was a time when I hid amongst the California Liberals and Leftists around me. Here...
After holding back my 100lb dog, so he wouldn't claw the houseguests trying to meet them, I was inspired to write this story/inner monologue on a snippet of time in the life of agoraphobia.
The Left is promoting a lie that the new voter integrity legislation are meant to suppress the votes of black people and other minorities. This breakdown will explain why the Left's "Jim Crow 2.0" narrative is completely false.
There is a common misconception that is pushed by the radical Left and their media that black-on-Asian crime is caused by white supremacy, and as a consequence of calling the coronavirus the "Chinese virus." This breakdown will explain that blacks at...
Many workplaces are enacting mandates for their employees to get vaccinated with unapproved, investigational jabs that only have an EUA from the FDA. If you've been fired for refusing the jab, this may benefit you.