Livestream with David Icke set to go + updates on our community
Jan 31, 2021 9:37 pm
Hi love,
You may already know this, but it feels relevant to share as our online community portal has started to grow! Please feel welcomed to start promoting our humble beginnings by using the following copy and the image above.
"Brave New Life emerged out of the overwhelming influx in peoples' need to relate and express themselves and find participation through dialogue.
Facilitated by Souvereign and Imani, Brave New Life is about how to navigate these turbulent times, being real with what feels real and relevant, and finding inspiration in the actions that others take all around the world.
We explore the lifeways of the new earth metric and how navigating in a natural frequency as community actually functions. Our conversations are centered around self sovereignty and syntropy.
We have gathered now for 6 months through group coordinated zoom calls twice a week and have launched our own social media community hub which, is not about highlighting what is all going on "out there" but getting real with what is going on "in here". It is a place of hope, inspiration, solace, laughter, and healing. You can join here at
Brave New Life is all about you choosing for you to embark on your hero's journey, but this time you can find amazing support and reflection from those who too are living their Brave New Life."
Community Platform updates.
Souvereign received various requests so first off if you don't have an account yet on Souv made a 3 MINUTE INTRODUCTION video on how the ACCOUNT SETUP navigation works:
- you can now DIRECT MESSAGE each other with the messenger function Yay!
- you can now upload pdf's, word docs, the community conversation chat text files, videos, images and so much more as part of your sharings (PM Souvereign to add another file extension if you require it)
- the entire platform is now multi-lingual and has an auto translate function depending on your primary language settings (under YOUR account settings)
- the platform is integrated with the Telegram app and so when you connect it up to telegram you can post from telegram to our platform. (Please be mindful to not just share for the sake of sharing.. question the function perhaps why it feels relevant for you, from you, to you first.)
- because there are increasingly monthly costs associated as this platform grows a donation pool has been set up on souvereigns' website. Thus far all tech/ tool costs have been community funded!
- over the next month Souvereign will be working on adding additional relevant features that will make the overall experience even more easy and comprehensive.
- email notifications have currently been turned off to only "relevant" emails such as password resetting and information updates.
Souvereign has been overloaded with navigating the upcoming NewEarth Horizon private and censorship media platform along with staying on top of ensuring that the important livestreams make it to Earth Heroes TV where they cannot be taken down. Thank you a thousand times over Shay for your energy, your support and your inspiring ways of navigating these turbulent times!
If you haven't joined Earth Heroes Tv yet, please know that your support there goes a long way in ensuring that our recordings can be viewed when a zoom call is missed.
If you sign up with the coupon code COMMUNITY you get 50% off whatever subscription you choose. You can use this link You will be able to access the Community Conversations if you have missed one!
If you benefit receiving more please reach out to Souvereign through a PM on and he will help you get free access.
Sacha Stone, Sean Stone & David Icke!
Live stream link:
Souvereign is very happy he cancelled this mornings' call so the above seminal production is all set to go. Souvereign may not be attending tomorrow mornings' call neither as the above goes on into the wee hours of the night in Bali.
Some inspiration to leave you with:
Keeping perspective with others who don’t share your views is challenging during such polarizing times….. We are becoming Master Navigators
He did you know?
Love loves loving love.
And... tomorrows zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting