Hold your hands out in the rain, or soak your cells in a bath… you are submerging your cells in the currency of water… The currencies of nature are all around us… I have been asked to facilitate more introduction on this foreign-to-most but known to...
A Brave Community Vision The deeper questions that I have been exploring around community and bringing into being of the new earth have been fruitful in so many ways. And although I am only one voice on my own, I continue to speak and create for the...
I want to invite you to a very special presentation this Friday Night 9PM EST/ (my) Saturday Morning 9 am Bali time on: Syntropy in Communities. I will be giving it my best and presenting a real case study of the Brave New Life community. What made i...
“As time has flown by us we have been given numerous opportunities to stand still and observe Nature in her primordial natural state. Time and time again we seem to have forgotten how to relate to her, how to ask the question that would open her myst...
Silky Fantasies of the New Earth.. mmmm…? New Earth is a place within, and although we all feel wonderful about such a New Earth vision, together we benefit asking and exploring the “how” physical communities and sanctuaries for the New Earth really...
Hey beauty full you, I have something short and sweet to share and offer you. I am starting to host bi-weekly Ecosophy nights! These are Interactive Bio-Philic Ecology, Syntropy, and Regenerative Human-Culture study sessions to help anyone ponder, ex...
Syntropy, Self Sovereignty and Self Love. This is a return to our innate natural knowing of how Life within us truly functions. Enjoined with a roadmap to re-member who we really are. Through sharing from the three internal Schools of Syntropy, Sover...
With Emotions being the language between the inner and the outer world and commonly related to as energy in motion, really what emotions are are much more than just that. They carry story, information a message from the internal landscape about the e...
Short, sweet, simple. SYNTROPY: Tapping into our innate Humanity, Transforming our lives with ease My orientations have been for years, to figure out, more about our natural Human Ecology, that communal way that we lost, that indigenous way that we l...
“Dear Universe…I haven’t always been as grateful as I could have been… You know, …trauma-based stories around money from early childhood imprinting, conflicting my creative expressions and desires to share ME with others and that “having to have” a m...