Nov 06, 2021 5:41 pm
A personal thank you Candace, Kate, April, Jineen, Jennifer, Kimberley, Gina Jax, Allison, Didi, Patrick, Patricia, Amanda, Lorna, Susan, Maya, Chicha and Claudia and to all who have reached out!
Thank you for the early contributions and going all in EVEN BEFORE the presentation that starts at
(not PM my apologies for the misnomer there! in the last email!)
The presentation will be recorded and will remain available at https://vdth.me/9784
45 people signed up and have received the reminder email already. The presentation will be offered by Paul who reached out through a push a by a spirit.
Spirit is guiding this process for sure. Apart from many synchronicities over the past days leading up to our conversation, earlier today Paul and I met and I was telling him that waking up in the morning with doubt and uncertainty being felt in my cells, I surrendered my worries and said to the heavens ... "it is up to you... I surrender... just lead me, I follow"
Over the years I have learned to pay attention to Natures way of acknowledging, signaling and communicating that there is guidance and a guiding hand in my journey.
During my our call I told Paul that I in the morning I had consciously given it over to Spirit. Within 20 seconds with no signs of any raindrops or any other blast after, right in my vision about 100 meters away into the middle of the ricefields I witnessed a lightning strike, thick and pink and it went KABOOOM with an epic rolling of thunder following...
Just one strike, clear as day, out of no where.... I simply felt affirmed. I thank you all and am charged up to make our UNIQUE WeFunder into a prosperity springboard.
I will write more around the parallel economy and templating out the new economic pathways another time. The good news is that we don't have to build it all out, we get to partake in a movement that has changed the lives of people from all walks of life, from all corners of the world.
Please email support@bravenewlife.net with any questions.
For those not comfortable with online payments we are collaborating to make receiving cheques possible. We just need a willing person to be the receiver and transmitter of those donations being received via snailmail.
In love and service,
recording should be here in case you can;t make it but would like to be informed: https://vdth.me/9784 I will also load it up to EHTV and YT later.